Petty Betty

Bravo for Diddy! He’s about his coins and apparently he’s not here for Comcast’s bullshit. Imagine if every Black media mogul came out strong like this?

“Hey, look! An older and dumber version of myself!”

I’ve been reading and listen on it too and the shit Comcast is going to pull from the 1800s in terms of rights that they will use that will have societal and lasting effects for racism and reasons to deny people on the basis of race is a piece of shit move from them.

Dumb sociopaths admire genius sociopaths, and then claim the sociopathy is the real measure of genius.  It’s just a way for shitty people to feel good about being amoral assholes.

“Oh, thank God! I thought I was the only racist, sexist homophobe here!”

So, I read shithead’s “Why wimminz is ruinin’ macadamias” and I have some quick thoughts.

Finally a professor that confirms my biases!

This case has major implications across many situations.  I’ve been following it since seeing Byron on the breakfast club.  

So the tl;dr is Comcast said, “But I am not racist because I have a black friend,” and Diddy’s response was, “Oh, NOW we’re pals?”

“Or does it mean something in else in Privilegelandia speak?”

You are spot on with the Charles Murray connection. On his webpage Rasmusen refers to the Bell Curve.

It’s funny because these same professors will blast liberal professors for “indoctrinating” students.

In the past I’ve had Christian and conservative students shyly approach me to say how happy they were to finally find a professor who was open in his beliefs.

So white people, if you ever wonder why we come here and talk shit, its because most of us have a lifetime worth of stories they can tell you just like that one.

“Honestly, this isn’t very newsworthy.”

And if this fuckery actually got to the actress, Meryl Streep would be like “Boy, what? She’s Black. What?” Julia Roberts might actually have gone for it AND been stank about it when she got called out. You think Scarlett Johansson’s “I should be able to play any tree I want!” was bad ...

Look, if you’d have said Meryl Streep, I’d entertain the foolishness for a hot second before I’d burst out laughing, ‘cause that woman acts her ass off and then some.

I’m team #PanicAttack. 

Here’s to all those late night hamberdurs catching up to him!