Petty Betty

Iffin there is I ain’t seent it!

American, United, Spirit, and Quantas.  Good to know the airlines I won’t give money too; although, to be fair to Quantas, I would never travel to Australia anyway on account of that nation’s blatant and unapologetic racism. 

Wait until you find out about Stephen Miller...

Didn’t Bloomberg also do everything in his power to prevent the Exonerated five from receiving their settlement.?

I find it ironic a Jewish man implemented a program to subjugate a minority class of peoples by granting police powers greater than intended to monitor and control aforementioned populace with extreme prejudice.

This is “can I get a pass’ not “I’m sorry for what I did.”

Uh some apologies are too late. I lost count of the number of professional black men that were stopped and harassed by the stormtroopers in blue for no fucking reason. Note these were men dressed in business attire that were accosted by these clown I being one of them. I can only imagine what men not wearing suits and

The single reason why I avoided visiting NYC for so many years was Stop and Frisk. I have had my fair share of unwarranted searches and car stops in Houston. I didn’t want to experience the escalation of these practices in NY.  I’m glad our community is not giving Bloomberg a pass.

He should use his questionably earned billions to make whole the innocent young men that his racist policies brutalized.

Fuck off Bloomberg. You bought your way in to the laughable New York republican party in order to get on the ballot and then you bought two elections. When that wasn’t enough, you bought Speaker Christine Quinn in order to short circuit NYC term limits, forever tarnishing her political career.

Consider this:
White people came up with “crime statistics”. You’ll note all the rapes, murders, kidnappings, thefts that they did for hundreds of years against people of color in America didn’t count towards any of that. It didn’t matter.

Now, fastforward a few hundred years with black folks kept desperate as a group,

It’s funny. Mike turned this whole damn city inside out and made it the sparkling hotbed it is now; ripe with gentrification, an open door policy for folks from every corner to move out here for jobs and the biggest money pit ever for real estate, among other things.

“Stephen A., now that you make 8 million dollars a year , and answer any way you like , Is there racism in America ???”

I wholeheartedly accept Bloomberg’s apology for now correcting his bad policy and the large scale impacts it had on race relations in New York.

Since Kaep wore a tee with Kunta Kinte across it during his workout then clearly Screaming A must wear a Toby tee when he host First Take tomorrow. 

Yeah, she deserves the suit. She was loud and wrong and fucked this woman over. 

The Postmates lady is still suing? Gee, Lizzo’s apology seemed so sincere:

Yeah she could have easily gotten the same result from postmates without including the woman’s name.

I mean just write the poor woman a check. She did fuck with woman’s life and livelihood for no reason. That was some bullshit.

Damon, you gotta have them update your bio. “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Blacker” is available NOW. It is a great read, brotha.