Petty Betty

I will never understand folks who get on the internet just to be absolutely ugly to someone. How about we stop looking at people and making judgments about what’s going on with their bodies? But also that “your bad karma is paying my bills” line took. Me. Out.

Conflating size with health make you a douchecanoe even if you don’t think so.

but we shouldn’t be celebrating unhealthiness

BOSS. Fuck people who treat fat people cruelly. Say cruel shit. Spare me the health concerns.

No, you greedy idiots just don’t like the truth and it’s ruining it for everybody else!

To quote the formerly unflappable Jay-Z

Maybe when black men stop hating black women, and learn to love themselves they’ll finally be able to admit and talk about the way white supremacy, and lots of white and NB women hypersexualize them isn’t flaterry, but is quite damaging the toll that takes on their mental, emotional, and sexual health. But until then

According to my armchair degree it’s more like having had sex so young caused him to define himself that way making him in constantly in need of that type of validation and being a celebrity means there’s never any shortage of opportunity to do so. He’s fucking all the time but not for the reasons he thinks. If he was

“Musician likes to fuck. News at 11."

It’s not really about him, it’s about criminal justice reform for all juvenile defendants

Yeah I was wondering about age. And I have some thoughts about that which would be unpopular.

I would disagree. Serial killers (in my limited understanding) tend to get arrested while not actively committing violent acts (as they tend to be attempting to avoid being identified). Where as spree killers (such mass shooters) tend to face police during or shortly after their crimes.

For one thing, he isn't a mass shooter but a serial killer (or accomplice of).

Nah, they were worried about this costing them money as the contract says the kids will wear NCAA approved team wear on game days. They should have gotten the team logo on the shirts - and put them up for sale in the campus stores. That might have met NCAA criteria and still PO’d the bigot letter writer.

“Y’know, in my day cheerleaders were real ladies. They fought hard enough to make you work for it, but not so hard that you couldn't take it."

I bet he's pleasant to have at family gatherings and not-at-all racist.

Just your daily reminder: Fuck PENN State and Fuck the NCAA.

“Hey, I’m just upset that we didn’t talk about it. The players did this on their own.”

What’s more terrifying is the mental disconnect Cadet Bone Spurs has. He genuinely believes he is the bestest President ever and the entire country benefits from him being there, all the while he has his grubby little hands in the till, embezzling as much taxpayer money as he can get while directing his cronies to do

It is legitimately terrifying on so many levels that he sees people who criticize him as people who criticize America. Biff the Dipshit cannot process that people who don’t love him still love the country.