Petty Betty

I know of a easier way, the majority of Root message board members aren’t on any of the other Kinja sites (funny how that works) and most of us are black, that’s a start.

The poster above you links to a article that outs the writer as a regular insane 78 year old white dude with a history of boomer bitching about tattoos, children in public, etc.  Why would you doubt a Penn state fan would have the shittiest possible take?  

Nah, that’s like typical angry boomer style right there.

Apparently this guy has a history of writing letters to the editor with similar viewpoints.

Nope.  They’re oyster crackers. Which are the most bland, stale, tasteless, cracker existing, 

He had all the time to criticize those things, yet not one peep about Jerry Sandusky and his alma mater(Penn State) handling of that situation?

You’re going to stop watching your favorite sports because you don’t like the dreads one guy has. Ok, then. I guess fuck right the hell off & watch Golden Girls instead. You can have your opinions. It’s really over the top to not just tweet or facebook your dislike, you actually sent a letter. That’s intense.

Though the athletes of today are certainly superior to those in my days; we miss the clean cut white young men and women from those days.”

Those letter writers aren’t saltines. They’re club crackers. They proudly say “I went to Penn” at every social event they attend at the country club right before they ask “do you have insurance?”


Same. I admire a lot of what he does business wise, but some of the other stuff he does is just ridiculous. I have also gotten to the point where don’t believe a word he says about time frames, but so far, he does eventually get the stuff he promises done. Dude needs to learn to exercise a little self control though.

So Musk 1.) made unfounded allegations, apropos of nothing, that this hero was a pedophile, 2.) doubled down by daring said hero to sue for libel, which he now has, 3.) paid $50,000 to an unvetted “investigator,” who solicited via email, to prove allegations he already knew were spurious, and Musk triggered all this

agreed, the man has done some amazing things but this shit was absolutely stupid.

Yes, but I will say Steve jobs was at least Grand Master level at bullshitting. Elon Musk is more mid rank at it.

People think this guy is a genius because he “came up” with the ideas of “what if cars had batteries” and “space is cool”. He doesn’t do anything but fund actual smart people in these endeavors. What he, and other people like him, are actually good at is manipulation. He manipulates his employees into believing he’s

I like and admire Musk and I wouldn’t dare try to defend this behavior. I hope he’s A) ashamed of himself B) learns some humility from this and C) pays the award in good faith.

Have the Musk apologists come out in force yet or am I too early to see whatever mental gymnastics offer up? I do so love a clown show... If this doesn’t burst the bubble of the people who revere him as some God-Emperor, I’m not sure what will. What really gets me is that his idea was nothing more than a fancy,

Why was he “investigating” the guy in the first place? Fucking thin-skinned insecure little weirdo; for anyone with even a shred of dignity, Unworth’s remark would’ve rolled off like water off a duck’s back. And sure, Thailand is supposedly the world capital of pedo sex tourism; by the same token, 70s and 80s South

I mean, you basically dared the guy to sue you by implying he must be a pedo if he doesn’t. Not to mention calling someone a “pedo guy” over a mildly rude statement, at best.