Petty Betty

My grandmother’s house backed up to her house so I can sadly attest that many of the stories are true. I haven’t seen the film yet, so I cannot comment specifically on that, but unfortunately she had many problem and Bobby was one of them. 

It is so sad.  I thought I’d seen everything about her life, thought I knew it all..but I sobbed. Sobbed during this movie.  My heart broke the entire way.  Neither one of them had a chance and even in her death, some of her family members stick their heads in the sand.  

Heard for years the stories about drugs and just didn’t want to believe it. Had a relative that worked for The Eagles in the Buddy Ryan era and said that one of the reasons Randall Cunningham’s family didn’t want him to date her was drug use. I thought that was crazy but it turns out they weren’t lying. 

$5,000 bail? I guess impersonating an officer and attempting to murder people isn’t a big deal in Utah.

“...there will never, ever, eva be another voice that will come close to Whitney Houston.” 

I’ve always felt this way and I haven’t even seen this movie. I hope all black folk go and support this. Then we can see why Pusha T’s album choice was mad disrespectful to say the least. 

Is this in theaters, or on streaming services?  I’m down for this doc.

Yeah I remember that - the current Deathstroke comic with Christopher Priest addresses how screwed up that was. But that wasn’t the only part. It was also pretty clear that Starfire was sold into sexual slavery and abuse prior to escaping to Earth. Lotta dark undertones in 80's comics. 

You missed “mammy” as a possible role.

I keep seeing this and it doesn’t make any sense. How is Starfire Latina? In what way has the comic lead people to believe that. 

The unwritten rule for black women in Hollywood is that if you want to carry a sword, fly into space or fight aliens, you’ve got to be racially ambiguous.

Glad you’re here. It doesn’t matter if she’s portrayed by a black woman, because the character is.... an orange alien with pink hair. In any case this show is going to suck because omg have you seen the trailer? It’s horrific. Murder Robin stomping on peoples necks. Weak scared Raven. DOVE freaking slashing folks?

Are you saying I’m not black enough!??!?

This. The whole tone of this article is based on an assumption that never once occurred to me in all my years of reading comics. Starfire isn’t black, she isn’t white, she’s alien.

Why in the hell are the adults standing around letting a 10 year old escalate the situation with LEO?

Starfire isn’t black, though. Never been an Earth based race, either. She’s an orange skinned space alien.

“Be strong,” the father, who was restrained in the back of the vehicle tells his son, as he leans his head toward the window so his son can pat his head.

The boy takes his father’s phone, letting his dad knows that he’ll call someone who will be able to bail him out.

Except that by treating the killer as standing his ground you paint the man defending his family as in the wrong. To say that the killer was right to fear for his life and kill the other man says that he had done nothing wrong. If a cop stops me from assaulting a woman I can not kill him and ‘Stand my ground.’ It’s

OK, but we still all agree, fuck Zack Hample, right?