Petty Betty

You don’t have to do much hypothesizing

Couldn’t agree more.  A woman who was teens and 20s in the 50's and 60's at ground zero of racist rednecks?  I would bet there isn’t a person alive that could Intimidate her.  It kills me that a woman who rose from “nothing” had a boot on her neck every time she tried to stand up, and still managed to rise to the

Auntie Maxine will wipe the floor with their behinds and who says she’ll be alone? 

Oof, Missouri is an open-carry state too... this shit is just going to be tense and scary for Maxine Waters

I still think that Trump believes that the NATO nations cut checks directly to the US instead of just increase their own spending.

 That they actually, personally hate him.

Oof, Missouri is an open-carry state too... this shit is just going to be tense and scary for Maxine Waters. I wonder how Mitch McConnell would feel if a group of black gun owners (with the proper permits—all on the up and up) in tactical gear started protesting outside of his house while brandishing assault rifles.

I cannot remember any president saying those words, “only because of me,” EVER. 

How the religious tight aren’t completely pissed that he believes it is him first and then God that they should worship, blows my mind.

“...the intellectual depth of cake frosting.”

Also a lover of Ayn Rand, except when he’s not. Again, Paul has all the intellectual depth of cake frosting.

A 6-year old wrote that tweet, right?

Anti-government militia the Oath Keepers have promised to protest outside of California Rep. Maxine Waters’ offices.

only because of me

I really wonder what the long-term effects of these people getting their foot firmly in the door of the Republican party are going to be. I don’t see the out-and-out white supremacist wing of the party really disappearing any time soon, but what happens when Trump is gone? Do they keep going right? Is there a

Which is why 45 is their perfect president, their ideals are no longer anti-government. They are mainstream now.

These are the same assholes who showed up in Ferguson with assault rifles to intimidate protesters. Their only loyalty is to their white-supremacist ideology. 

Trump is now not just the poster boy for the Dunning-Kruger effect (i.e., incompetent people greatly overestimate their own abilities because they are too stupid to evaluate themselves). He is now shown himself to be at the level of the lemon juice bandit, who inspired the series of studies in the first place.

Anti-government militia the Oath Keepers have promised to protest outside of California Rep. Maxine Waters’ offices.

Now playing

I think we all need a song to cheer us up - and this is simply magnificent: