Petty Betty

Went to a protest of a racist rally (okay, there were like, 5 guys “rallying”) and among the hundred cops there, at least a couple dudes looked similar to my dad.... *cringe*

That’s my solution.

He is minding his own business! Don’t you understand! Just google “the diseases in pools” and you’ll see. It says right there on the internet that pools used to be clean and safe until Black people were allowed to share them. Also, the Illuminati are spraying them with chem trails, one pool is hiding Obama’s real

That’ll never happen. Exibit A: The Greys™

Well, it is an actual fact that people misidentify people from other races constantly.

Just when I thought I’d sleep easy tonight.

How is anyone going to identify a guy who looks like he could be anyone? Seriously, I can’t tell him apart from a dozen other sanctimonious white guys.

Until they get punched regularly for not doing that, no, they won’t.

Oh, fuck no please tell me that didn’t actually happen somewhere.

It’s becoming more and more clear that white people need to mind their own god damn business.

Imagine if he had seen the white woman shaving her legs in the pool. His head would explode.

Internet sleuths activate!!

Hypocritics at work right about now.

Then it is malpractice. Since they apparently flat-lined some people, that’s attempted murder.

These dumb fucks do know that Ketamine is meant to be used for tranquilizing HORSES, NOT HUMANS?!?!?Horses, animals that weigh TEN TIMES AS MUCH AS HUMAN BEINGS? Jesus fuck the personnel involved are either very stupid or are actively trying to murder people. They are incredibly lucky that no one has died. Yet. The

Well I did say the “more like the police”. But the EMTs could be jeopardy if there wasn’t any medical reason for using the drug. And the police wanted someone drug isn’t a medial reason that the AMA would accept I’m sure.

More like the police, EMTs do practice medicine. Now they can go after them gross negligence and issuing drugs without medical need.

An enterprising prosecutor could perhaps make an argument that the cops and the EMTs were practicing medicine without a license, which is a gross misdemeanor in Minnesota, punishable by up to a year in jail and/or a $3000 fine.