Petty Betty

Thank you the employee was wrong to call the cops but as long as there are cops willing to show up guns blazing for a $1.50 dispute, who clearly have no interest in deescalation or even getting both sides of the story, racist folks will always use the cops as their personal enforcer.

I wonder who will take up the mantle to defend R. Kelly’s pride today.

I said it once and I will say it again there’s a reason a lot of people of color don’t give a shit when a cop gets shot. No it isn’t cold it is reality. There are no good cops. Reading stories like this every day validates everything I feel about these assholes. They live to terrorize people of color and never get

I am so glad she is okay.

Gotta love how Nishida tried to call Love out for illegally parking, like,

Yet another reminder that most cops don’t want to do basic police work and mostly want to assault “the bad guys”. And then refuse to apologize for aforementioned shitty police work afterwards.

“Either pay for the service you didn’t receive or go to jail for annoying a waiter.”

“Dumas’ Honda Civic was searched, and its air conditioning unit pulled out.”

I mean really, dude was not bothering anyone. Techbro just decided to be an asshole, and go out of his way to be a supreme asshole.

The hypocrisy is in your head. The story sounds fishy, that’s why you’re seeing the skepticism. I have no particular feelings positive or negative about Jamie Foxx, but absent a few more details, not sure I’m buying this one.

Oooh, drag this shitty person. What kind of human being takes time out of their day to do something like this to a homeless person? He deserves no mercy.

“hospital??” “panic attack??” “hit her in the face with his penis???”  

I feel conflicted about this. 16 years ago I was 15. I’m pretty sure around 18 I started going to 18+ clubs and putting my hands on women ’s body parts where it should not be without clear consent (because everyone else was doing it and honestly/sadly, majority of the chicks pined for it at our age in the club. It was

Jamie Foxx has recounted on several shows the crazy parties he used to throw and the types of women he’d invite and why. It seems entirely plausible that he’s treated some of them poorly or worse.

oh f*ck off, this story can easily be seen as true, despite no proof, no witnesses, no evidence, and it being 16 YEARS AGO yet you believe this poor woman has suffered after *scoff* Jamie Foxx slapped her with his dick?!?!?! Is this even real life????!!!!! OMG come on, please use your brain and realize that yes, some

“Jamie Foxx slaps woman with his penis in 2002...”

This is a weird fucking story.

I bet Jamie was getting ready to get ready to think about possibly buying NBC.....

Wasnt everybody doing that in 2002? I mean with 9/11 and everything....?

IDGAF about a 16 year old allegation. Stop.