Petty Betty

Looks like he or the workers at Small Pharaoh got a problems with just about everyone. Filled with older reviews about screaming at customers. Calling customer’s “bitches”.

This is just another example of the growing tolerance in this country for racist, hateful and uncivil conduct as exemplified by the Dear Orange Leader, Generalissmo El Trumpo. It’s rubbing off on everyone, including POC and immigrants. Recall the Iranian American calling a Korean American “ugly Chinese, get out of my

After having to pay $400 to get out of jail he’ll regret he didn’t just give her her order for free.

A> My wife is a special educator para, and let me tell you that she has to spend a minute thinking about what she can and cannot tell me about her day, even when bitching about the other idiots they occasionally hire as paras. Privacy of the children is a paramount concern for a teacher that takes their job even

to an innocent little baby, no less? going to school to get a fucking education and this is how the “teacher” views this child? smh.

What’s the name of the food truck?

If this was in Portland, this guy’s food truck will die pretty quickly.

man, if you’re in a cash business, then the occasional customer that pays in change can be a life-saver.

But mocking children is the epitome of comedy. Just ask the assholes who responded to the Parkland kids.

That’s fine, but concerns about a child’s welfare should be handled tactfully through a phone call or an arranged meeting; not through online mockery.

This is fucking disgusting. I’m at a loss for words. How can certain people be so terrible?

Now playing

I remember that one. Had to find the video. If I recall the story correctly, the matriarch of the family did something inside the store and caused a ruckus. The family then went outside, but were followed by a store employee and a security guard. They were exchanging words with the family when the cops pull up and

I love this new social media thing where grown-ass adults feel comfortable making fun of literal children. Like, what in the hell is wrong with these people?

Fuck your investigation, Canuck, fire that Sub and take away her credentials for at least a year.

If your hair is relaxed, white people are relaxed. If your hair is nappy, they’re not happy.

- Paul Mooney

“Who wore it better?”

Well at least this happened in Canada that substitute teacher will actually get properly sanctioned and the likely hood of her ever working in a public school again is infinitesimally small.

Wypipo. Wypipo. WHY PIPO? WHY? The mocking of any student especially primary students is just mind blowing. This “teacher” will certainly never teach again in Ontario as her membership registration with the college of teachers will be revoked. She’ll probably head south to FLA, NC, WV, KY, GA, etc. and be

This reminds me of a melee that took place in Arizona where there was a church group in a Walmart parking lot (of course) and someone took a gun off of ancop and not a solitary person ended up dead. Truly fucking amazing.

Beverly is looking a little worse for wear.