Petty Betty

I’ve been to many military bases in the past fifteen years, since I married a military dude. They ALL ask for ID for everyone in the car who isn’t a child. Even when I was a kid, long before 9/11, the military base in our town asked for ID for the driver every time we went there.

Villavicencio was carrying his New York municipal ID with him...

“Councilman Brannan says Villavicencio used his New York State ID to enter the base, as he always had in the past, delivering pizza from Queens.”

Isn’t driving without a license (on you) a crime? Still don’t see the need to call Ice as I would assume the local off base PD would be the best people to call.

You turn the man away, you don’t call ICE for chrissakes.

When Villavicencio asked the soldier why he was doing this, he replied “GET A JOB, MOOCH.” Villavicencio looked down at the pizza box, then up at the soldier, then down at the pizza box.

That’s what’s so strange about the world we live in now. That soldier, if born in the 1920's, would have agreed more with the Nazi’s than what the US represented. It boggles the mind how these people can’t even see this. They all want to live in a gated neighborhood, sorry, country, with nothing but whites surrounding

Sad that “Papers please!” a hallmark of nazis and fascists despotic regimes is now accepted and even applauded in America.

a wooden paint mixer stick.

“Johnson was arrested on suspicion of disorderly conduct and hindering.”

For starters, Disqus is a shit comment system. I never understood why any site would choose to use it. Disqus is just not mobile device friendly whatsoever. Second I don’t think it’s undergone any type of redesign since it’s launch. Third, there’s zero basic editing. Rough estimate, I’d say at least 50-60% of the

They should let her press charges against the 2 guys. That sounds like false imprisonment and possibly a sex crime. Since he/they(?) were fired for doing it, it clearly wasn’t in the course of their actual duties.

Hello Attorney Jasmine Rand...mmm

“How long until it dissolves into Misogynoir?”

They’re incredibly fortunate, that poor woman must be a whole mess of emotions. On the one han, that whole awful period of her life is over, and now she will never have to worry about retribution against her or her son. On the other hand their divorce resulted in several people dying, and despite how illogical it is,

More from the records of the divorce here:

Because a man couldn’t let go?

eight-year divorce

He’s the poster boy for toxic masculinity.