Petty Betty

If you’re black can you ever trust the police again? I doubt it.

Hope they catch one from a real one.

They always find a way, don’t they? Somehow, every situation is used as a brand new opportunity to denigrate and dehumanize someone. Oh, such smug disdain that they would get away with this one like all the others they get away with.

While the sheer abuse leveled at Brown for a minor violation is the most important thing, there’s a secondary level to this mess.

The officers discuss how the arrest of Brown could have them perceived as being racist, with one officer saying if anything goes wrong, it “is going to be, ‘Ooh, the Milwaukee Police Department is all racist, blah, blah, blah,’” AP reports.

Pro Tip For Police: If you’d like to not be perceived as extremely racist, try... I dunno... not brutalizing a black man for a parking violation?

I remember thinking, when the first video was released, that this couldn’t look any worse for them if they tried.

If you are Sterling Brown can you ever trust the police again? I doubt it.

They were intentionally trying to injure his ankle. You can see the jealousy and resentment just dripping off the officers. They can’t handle a black man with a fancy car who doesn’t cower in their presence. They wanted to put him in his place. I would be very scared of these officers if I lived in Milwaukee.

The power dynamic with cops is pretty overwhelmingly one sided and yet time and again it seems less discretion and more fear plays a role in how these things are handled. Most people are not stupid; escalating after the cops are already involved is a unanimously dumb thing, particularly if you are black or brown. The

I’d like to point out something very crucial here our dumb fuckhead guv Waller did a couple years back to pocket the police union. I point this out as I believe it contributes to crap like this out of the police department.

I try to live by the principle that men’s hearts are rarely as evil as their actions, and almost never as evil as their words. I am probably bastardizing that Tolkien quote, but that’s close. Typically, that means I am a little slower on the “race card” than some others.

White allyship in the Civil Rights Movement started to fall apart when white people started having to confront the fact that they were racist, just not in the same way Bull Connor was racist. Until white people - or at least progressive white people - accept that they’re almost all at least passively racist, we’re

This just illustrates the point that the police don’t care. They know it’ll come out and they know that nothing bad will happen to them as a result. The MPD might end up paying out a settlement, but the individual officers will be a-ok.

Yeah, it’s almost like they have no fear of reprisal being from a state run by Mini-Trump Assclown Scott Walker. Weird, right?

They might, but more than anything these are just established patterns of behavior that show up naturally in these situations. You’d have better luck getting me a five year-old to stop picking his nose than you’d have getting these racist asshole cops to stop doing racist asshole things.

They might be thinking that damning footage of them being released isn’t quite the eventuality it’s supposed to be...

Everything about the situation rubs me the wrong way, but its amazing the amount of force that cops feel they need to use when in numbers “against” an unarmed “suspect.”

If Brown doesn’t sing “money, money, money” after winning what should be a quick lawsuit, then what’s this all been for? What are we even doing here?

It’s almost like these cops don’t seem to understand that they’ve being recorded by video and audio?