Petty Betty

She’s a white woman.

I dunno, sal. We all have responsibilities to other people. Whether it’s a parent <-> child, friend<->friend, boss <-> employee. co-worker<->co-worker.

At least Tim didn’t lose his show cause of his hidden racial hated that got spewed out. His show just sucked as bad as his acting. Only thing he has done worth a shit was Toy Story, and still was back seat to Tom Hanks. Fuck them both and both their stupid shows.

Nah, she’ll blame everyone else but herself.

Eh, the president of ABC entertainment is a black woman. You can’t get away with blatant racism when your target is your boss. I’m sure the money thing is important in the decision, but I have a strong feeling that was not the only factor.

A major network show like this can employ literally hundreds of ordinary people. I hope she at least feels a little bad about screwing them over via her shitty behavior.

I’m leaning more towards “Don’t let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.”

Hey! A good thing happened! A good thing happened today everyone! Let’s be happy a good thing happened today!

Dear White People & Trump Supporters:

I am watching CNN pontificate about ABC TV’s “righteous move”. Disney is too big to let this one bullshit show cause a problem for their brand. This was a money move, period. The risk finally outweighed the reward.

I’m kind of expecting a tweetstorm about how liberal media supports players kneeling during the anthem but got Roseanne cancelled for the same thing.

But, but, but first amendment.

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye...

I honestly did not see that coming. I figured they would do the usual and let it blow over. After all, Trump will say some shit worse in about eight or nine minutes. Good on ABC, I guess. I mean, it’s not they didn’t know she was a shitty person.

Nah. Wanda didn’t need this job. When she took it and people expressed disappointment with her over twitter her response was to cape for Roseanne. It’s time to draw a line in the sand and stop caping for racists and making excuses for people who choose to cape for racists.

Wanda Sykes is a working actress and comedian. Please don’t rake her over the coals for taking a job and working with someone she knows is racist. POC in show business have had to do this for decades. Odd that a white person being racist still turns out to be a black woman’s fault.

Wanda sykes didn’t just realize she is racist, she knew like a poc person knows how one of their white friend are racist but isn’t outright racist who just calls everyone a slur in normal conversation.

K, Wanda. Not you like you just figured out she was racist but better late than never I guess.