Petty Betty

I would have taken the 12 dollars in items added them to my stuff paid for them. If she gave me any grief I then I would get the manager and at the top of my lungs tell them this cashier was telling me what i could and couldn’t buy and launching into a tirade about it being anti-American and asking if Albertsons is

Yeah, very curious as to why a manager wasn’t involved on the spot if this was the spectacle it is described as. he going to college? A young person with that kind of determination should be furthering his education and expanding his mind. More to the point: Is there a Gofundme for the college expenses? I got (a bit more than) 5 on it.

When I was about 10 or 11 my drunken redneck uncle, whose ‘care’ I had for some reason been handed over to, took me to a grocery store just before they closed. He staggered his way to the meat section, went behind the counter and wrapped up a couple hundred bucks worth of steaks in one package. Then he put a $20

Yes, this.

An otherwise simple errand can be an all-day affair, when depending on public transportation. When voter ID is being ‘discussed’, many do not realize that a trip to the Motor Vehicles Department may involve four or six hours of time, between travel and waiting in line. This would require taking time off from work,

Thank you for this. I don’t have any first-hand experience with WIC, nor do I judge those who do (as I’ve had my own fair share of poverty and financial assistance), but it’s so necessary some times to understand what other people have to endure just to get barely by.

Amen to all said. The sad part is that in the deep south, public transportation is always under attack by rural GOP; public transport, IMHO, to them means “inner city people getting free rides and/or coming to my suburbs”.

I feel like this comment should be put on billboards around the country.

I remember on election day debating with someone that poor people can often be nowhere near their polling place when they are open because of inconvenient transportation, early starting jobs, 2nd jobs and evening education. The time expected of the less fortunate just in getting to work can be back-breaking.

I teach middle school, and last year, there was this girl who kept coming to school late. All year she’d been on time, then sometime in the winter, she was late, and since I had her first period, it was really becoming an issue in my class. I knew she lived just a few blocks away, so I sat her down and gave her the

I will buy that book.

Yeah, I’ve been on WIC.

Carroll seems like a nice person both in her offer to help pay and dignified complain to management and the public about this cashier.

or her own Family and then 10 years down the line, she is in the same situtation and she is special so she needs wic and everyone else doesn’t deserve it because they are not her.

In my years bagging groceries we never had a cashier do anything like this, thank God, but customers behind WIC and EBT users said stuff pretty frequently. Remarks about how long it took to ring them up, “why do they have those kids if they can’t pay for them,” etc.

If not her, I am sure with some people that she works with.

I bet the odds are very good that cashier also uses WIC to make ends meet and we are seeing an epic case of projection here.

“Corey was getting up at 4:30 in the morning and had to be at the bus stop at 5:41 in the morning for the last year. Even when he would get out of school he couldn’t get from that side of town until 5:19 when the bus runs back over there. So he doesn’t make it back this way until about 6:30 or 7 o’clock,”

““’That’s why they have babies, so they can keep on getting all of the free stuff’,” Carroll said the cashier told her.”