Petty Betty

That’s the thing, to me. The Republican party fought a war against him the entire time he was in office, and he and his family were subject to ridiculous amounts of racism during the same period. Why would you not take a step back for a little while?

If the NY Times would start letting Hamilton write Op-Ed’s for them, we’d never have to hear from this asshole anymore. He could debate the piquant nature of his farts with Dowd and Brooks like he so clearly feels he deserves.

Seriously. All he tried to do was for the poor, the sick and disadvantaged. And after eight years of being obstructed, of being called a secret Muslim, of having his amazing wife called inhuman names, the country elects his tormenter and proceeds to destroy his legacy.

I have been alive under 11 presidents, and can say with absolutely no qualification that Barack Obama was the best of them. Was he perfect? Of course not. But compared to the rest - and never forget just what a dirty diaper he inherited (starting with two active wars and a collapsing global economy), the finest.


On the other hand, if there’s ever been a President in modern history that’s earned the right to say “to hell with all of you,” it’s him.

Mr. Barrack doesn’t owe white people shit. White men and women pining and whining for his help... need to march right up to their family, friends, coworkers, and tell them to fuck off for voting in the very guy who said Obama isn’t even american. You and your wypepo can fuck all the way off.

Right. That attitude right there got us into this nightmare. Those damn purity test azzholes.

The timing of this article is magnificent. Trump announces he’s abandoning the separation of the DoJ from political pressure to go after a phantom FBI infiltration by Obama’s administration. The absolute best thing Obama can do in this situation is to be *disconnected* from his political fights as President. If he

Yup. Obama is still being used as a bogeyman of the Republican party. They still are trying to dismantle his legacy.


This take is piss warm at best.

No no no! I want immediate gratification now!

I wish hot takes were actually hot, and would physically burn the people that put them out into the world.

Yeah, like...I can imagine that having most of your legislative agenda and legacy dismantled, piece-by-piece, by an utter fucking buffoon would leave a bad taste in one’s mouth.

+1 tinfoil hat.

Working on getting the Obama Foundation and presidential library seems like a good use of his time to me. Also that time off? Well earned. I hope he and his family enjoyed every second of it.

How can he do all this altruistic shit you expect of him when almost all of his time is dedicated to running the Deep State?

Can’t think of anything to add aside from SEARING TAEK BRAH!

This comment section is going to rule.