Petty Betty

Yeahhhh, as a white dude, they’d tell me to go get that permit or don’t conceal, or somethin. Not arrest me, no way.

That officer’s gonna be really grinning if his actions are seen as witnesses intimidation and he catches a federal charge. He KNOWS and was more than likely TOLD not to make any contact with the complaintant. What a dumbass

I’ve had this discussion within the family about the gratuitous use of the n-word in too many Rap songs. If your white becky fans go out and buy the product, don’t they automatically have license to sing aloud the lyrics you’ve penned, especially at your concert? We know damn well they do it in private. It’s like you

Can we also acknowledge that in her own post she states that he threatened her life and the life of her family and then pulled a gun. She was SO SCARED that she went home and grab her gun to chase down the man that terrified her.

The fact that he was never charged w/a crime & doesn’t have a criminal record makes a big difference in the arrest.

I also like that she’s dumb enough to admit she was able to leave the scene and came back with a gun to try to scare him, AND tries to deny the evidence that she did chase him down and brandish it immediately after saying “I retrieved a gun to brandish at this Latino man I’d already tried to terrorize for being on my

Because the team owners have made this calculation:

Every woman and every person of color in this country knows exactly what he meant by that.

Immediate “this is going to get extra trashy” indicator. GQ had a lament on white kid names, bet money in five years there’s going to be a ‘proud mommy of Kashton’ stirring some shit.

Great point. I love it when unilingual speakers can’t even properly speak (or in this case write) the ONLY language they know.

I’m sure he prob meant “by being condescending”.

Behold what you have wrought, Black male rappers.

Jaxson AND Taylor. What else would you expect?

Why bring her no rapping ass on stage in the first place?

“I go get my gun to show him I have one” followed immediately by “I never pulled it on him.”

OF COURSE one of her children is named Jaxson.

So I did we called the cops, she admitted to pulling the gun out & the cops took all her weapons from her home...

Another day, another worthless, soulless European American exposing herself...

Please follow as she is white and will probably have all charges dropped

Did anyone see the White Power sign thrown by the cop in the driver’s seat? Check it out at about 1:39.