Petty Betty

I’d like to know, if any, the annoyed looks that the border patrol agent was exchanging with the store clerk before he decided to make his fucking point

Uh, the fuck are you on about?

My pops is a vet too. His “brothers in arms” did nothing to defend his freedoms at home when he couldn’t get that union job, find housing, or was called out his name. Not one of them checked their peeps.

Kids shouldn’t have to deal with that faux patriotic bullshit. Presumably it’s intended to help prepare the next generation of canon fodder, ready for another war to make the corporations richer.

It has always seemed weird to me, and I was born here!

eh you’re not Mexican American in Texas are you? I can assure you the racists let their confederate racist flag fly freely and openly. The only time they start to try to hide it is in majority minority cities.

As an American that can speak Spanish and French what the fuck is wrong with these people? Can we just admit that the reason they are going after these people is that they are feeling inadequate? Dear dumb ass white people just admit it, you feel inferior because you can only speak one dialect and that makes you feel

an indoctrination pledge

When I was in junior high/high school, a teacher pulled me aside to discuss why I didn’t stand during the pledge. He mentioned something about soldiers or some shit; I told him that my father is a Vietnam vet who was drafted along with half of his Black neighborhood, including mentally disabled people, and he had no

That’s the ONLY voice appropriate for this narration.

That’s the part that takes this from pure rage to tears. Our kids never get to just be kids. Our childhoods are White Supremacy orientations. Most of us know ‘our place in the world’ by 2nd grade. Meanwhile their grown ass adult spawn get to be ‘kids’ until they’re 50 years old; never accountable, always ‘learning’

“Your wig sho’ ugly.”

“She speaks Spanish, and she speaks English,” Suda said. “When she saw the video, she was like, ‘Mom, we can’t speak Spanish anymore?’ I said ‘No. You be proud. You are smart. You speak two languages.’ This is more for her.”

Death row is basically solitary confinement and the article makes clear that this is especially cruel to people with intellectual disability. Why can’t he serve in a facility for people with mental issues?

I’m just...waiting until they die out.

John? is that you?

Never underestimate the stupidity of white dudes in America.

I made a post elsewhere about how racist the whole black man/white woman mandingo dynamic in porn is and got schooled by white men telling me that, since the black men and shown as sexually dominant over the white women, it was actually racist against whites. How can people be so stupid?
