Petty Betty

“Stinks of weed constantly”😑😑 Come on now. Have ever once complained about a town “stinking of tobacco constantly”? At least cannabis doesn’t contribute to cancer.

Fuck off, dumbass. Reparations ain’t getting permission to do shit, which is what letting people start a business first would be. Reparations would be giving somebody something they’re already owed. It’s a dumb fucking comparison in any sense and you’re dumb for even trying to relate the two in any way. Go read a book

Miranda needs to chill.

They aren’t GIVING them a marijuana business, they still have to come up with the money, pay the taxes, etc. If anything, being allowed to go first can be a doomed venture. No one knows how this industry will go and most likely, the first in will be guinea pigs to see what the problems are. As some of them go under,

I can see what she’s saying in that the areas most effected by the drug laws should get first dibs, but then she brings up reparations. Now I know that word can be a general word and isn’t just for repaying the ancestors of slaves for what they’ve lost, but stop and think about what most people think of when you say

I found this on the webs. I haven’t fully read it yet but it might provide an answer.

Generous or not, a politician should know that when you use “black communities” and “reparations” together in the same sentence, it will 99.7 percent of the time be accepted that you’re referencing slavery.

Am I being too generous by thinking she was using the term “reparations” to mean making amends for the unfair drug arrests specifically and not how most Black people use the term (which is a reference to making amends for 400+ years of rape, kidnapping, murder, and unpaid labor)?  

Reads like Counts realizes he doesn’t have the luxury of being angry. Not a blessing, but likely necessary. Counts and Perry can’t get back the time unjustly taken, but I hope and pray they are able to enjoy long lives with generous compensation for their wrongful convictions.

“Now that cannabis is exploding as an industry, we have to make sure that those communities that have been harmed and devastated by marijuana arrests get the first shot at this industry,” Nixon told Forbes. “We [must] prioritize them in terms of licenses. It’s a form of reparations.”

That was my thinking too. And it hurt me deep inside reading that last part about it being a minute he could have been happy. 26 years locked up has given him more than enough time to be angry and he probably has been a number of times but he’s finally free. Just... Damn

Counts was convicted and thrown in jail for almost 30 years, even though there was no proof he did anything, the witness was not reliable and DNA testing, that could have been done years ago, finally proved his innocence?

“I can’t be angry,” Counts said or his accuser, who remains unnamed.“If I waste a minute being angry it’s a waste of time. That’s a minute I could have been happy.”

“. . . Perry and Counts were convicted of the crime despite investigators having no physical evidence. . .”

Hopefully they’ll sue...everybody.

Becky does have a lot of nerve. This incident is similar to the report of the white woman who called the cops because two Native Americans visiting Colorado State did not give her their names or “adequately” describe their educational plans. When difference makes Becky nervous she requires POC to do the work of

Wypipo get pressed when they see Black people going about their business without paying wypipo any mind. Didn’t wave? What kind of bullshit reason is that to call the cops? No one is obligated to say boo.

As a white person I find it terrifyingly aggressive when the non-whites wave at me. They could be winding up to hit me! After all, with their super strength and super speed they can be on me from across the street in the blink of an eye! I would definitely call they police if a black person waved at me.