Petty Betty

The game of Lava, Mustang, Crowds is a lot like Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Anglin: We are superior in every way!


Chin waddle is a core GOP value and used to denote rank in the hierarchy.

I was thinking that he looks and sounds more like a serial killer. He kind of reminds me of Ed Kemper. Though Blankenship has actually killed 3x as many people as Kemper did.

I’m assuming that the top button is actually missing because he did try to contain the beast, and it fought back.

I’m assuming that the top button is actually missing because he did try to contain the beast, and it fought back.

Yea, I saw that, and I’m like, “This idiot already looks like a molester. Didn’t they learn anything from Moore?” I mean FFS, isn’t the girl on his left doing the ‘my ass looks great in these pants’ pose?

Glad you mentioned the mining accident he was responsible for. I saw the name and kept thinking it couldn’t be the same guy, but I guess once you’ve killed 30 people in the the name of profit, shame doesn’t factor into your life.

There’s something super creepy about him and to end holding two girls who look like they’ve been learning all the selfie thot facial expressions from IG.

I’m impressed his waddle of chin fat held its own. Most of them tuck into the shirt collar and cinch with a tie.

wow. I thought he was buddy buddy with the security guard and did it for laughs and corporate wasn’t happy with jokes, but he didnt even know the guy!??!

Black man steals something, “what a crook. Fire him!”

Actually Ezekioll’s friends and his girlfriend’s friends were there and all said that Ezekiell didn’t do anything to his girlfriend

What life did he have as a kid? I’m about the same age as Jim Brown, and I can say that he grew up in a world where beating your spouse wasn’t considered a crime. But it has nothing to do with your upbringing. Rich and poor thought that keeping your woman in line, by whatever means necessary, was ok. You talked about

I’d like to know what kind of life he had as a kid. I don’t believe people like this happen in a vacuum (in general). The expose on Adrien Peterson’s childhood was an excellent illustration of that. In order to actually stop the cycle of people who feel so much rage they beat or kill other living things I believe it

Jim Brown had more than a non novel idea that racism is bad. He made a stand when it could have cost him everything. Yep he did bad shit and that should be on his ledger when looking at him on the whole but to reduce his social impact as a non novel idea that racism is bad is so inherently stupid offensive and wrong

Physical ability comes and goes but how you treated other people lasts forever.

The hallelujahs over Brown always bothered me. He admitted being a bad guy, over and over, and, simply because he could run with a football and had some non-novel idea that racism was bad, the media still sings his praises. Newsflash...lots of bad dudes happen to be good athletes. The question really, is what quality

i think you are a bit naive’ about how many people of either gender are willing to accuse celebrities or jocks, et cetera.