Petty Betty

What’s to prevent someone from simply answering the questions? (With lies, of course, because they’re trolls.)

Okay- please go ahead and list the disabled groups for whom Twitter would be useful but a mobile phone would not.

I think a lot of people believe that if you have to give more personal information (phone, name, etc.) the easier it would be to trace who you are when you post hateful shit like racist comments, death threats, etc. IDK though, Facebook has plenty of personal info and people are still more than thrilled to use their

Not about her account, but about making trolls accountable for things they post - like the fake screenshots. 2FA could help with that.

Accountability, which is a facet that Twitter hasn’t exploited yet.

That’s a patently ridiculous scenario, one that I don’t believe for a second accounts for any majority of Twitter users, but no - if you only have a house phone then you don’t need to have a Twitter account.

1. It’s just not any sort of facism-y, because Twitter isn’t a government. Do not enable Harold. Harold is a toolbox.

That’s beside the point, but there are plenty of scenarios and environments where I would deem Twitter indispensable.

I’m not big on Twitter but I just saw a bunch of people mentioning Milo. He’s still retweeting vile photoshops of her as recently as an hour ago. Why is he still even allowed on Twitter? Why aren’t news outlets name checking him?Why am I still surprised at how disappointing people can be?

“I like using words without knowing their meaning!!”

Yes, Harold. This is literally facism.*

Then you don’t need to be on Twitter.

Some random dude sent me a death threat on fb... but he disabled his account before I reported it. Didn’t violate terms and services

Right, but a pic of a breastfeeding mom violates the terms. *facepalm*

Seriously I do not understand and probably will never understand this. Twitter and Facebook are not governmental venues, they are not subject to the first amendment, and they do not have to tolerate hate speech. But they choose to do so.

But look how quick they were to shut down Azaelia Banks’s rant where she used a slur? Hm...wonder what the difference is? I’ll give you a hint: If it’s against Black women specifically, it’s always fine.

I left Facebook actually reluctantly and I honestly think my life is better without it. I live away from friends and family and I thought Facebook was keeping me connected to them but it wasn’t. Now I have to make an effort to call, text or email those friends I care about andthat actually connects me more to them

I went through last night and tried to report as I could, and of course I sent Leslie some love via tweet. But my god. My fucking god.

I’m not shocked by a place that has such ridiculous woman’s sizing. The nicest trendy stuff only comes in small and medium.