Petty Betty

Here in Texas a pretty good number of people in prison are white.

Shhhh! The white people in Texas don’t know that! Don’t tell them that or it’ll shatter their world view!! The local media works super hard at not showing mug shots if the suspect is white, but always posting photos, mugshots or police sketches if

well, in my case, I do it because I’m right.

One does not have to walk on eggshells to not be racist. I’m not sure where you live, but I see and hear racism every day in my white, middle class, middle American life.

The narrative should be something resembling the truth. And asking questions, like why is 50% of a prison population black when black men don’t make up 50% of the country’s population? What roles do the following play? poverty, lack of quality education, a corrupt justice system and arcane drug laws that are unequally

Please take a research methods class with a side of journalism, please. Then maybe you can return here and pontificate on this comment and what you learned. Your point is silly, but even taking it at face value, adding that statistic to try to draw some kind of credibility is not persuasive on any kind of analytical

As a former journalist, I can tell you that a professional goes for a diverse sample. If Sing Sing is 50-60 percent black, then that means it’s 40-50 percent non-black. And if you can’t get a diverse sample, you scrap the story because what you would be imparting is a false impression of the whole by only representing

How hard would it have been to find a non-black guy to interview, though? Did no one even consider the possibility that, considering what’s currently been going on in the news, it may have been perceived negatively when only black men are featured in an piece about violent crime? Or that, in doing so, they’re feeding

You declaring that people are seeing racism where it sure as hell exists is exasctly the kind of gaslighting that white supremacists do in order to make sure no one calls them out on their shit.

Who is the real criminals? People who have been enslaved for generations and then have to live through hundreds of policies designed to keep them down or the group of people who willfully and ignorantly keep oppressing the first group of people in order to enrich and elevate themselves.

And then you go on to make excuses for this idiotic video as though the video does not push the white supremacist narrative of Black men being a danger to White people.

Not all racism has to be overt ‘on purpose’ racism.
This was, imo, more likely an example of subconscious, ingrained, societal racism on the part of the team and the producers that put it together - and for Todd for allowing it to air as is.

Abso-fucking-lutely. As someone who works in this industry, I can’t believe level of incompetence that allowed this piece to air. There is always a contingency— even for live stuff.

They have the budget to find a white prisoner.

You’re right. If you’re a fucking racist idiot, why should you not be a fucking racist idiot...except that of course you’re a fucking racist idiot...which makes you the lowest, right? Someone willfully and determinedly ignorant in order to prosper from the despair and inequity of others. How could that possibly be

Ah, the “show me where I...” defense. Look, clown, I know you’re doing your damnedest not to get it, but when you try to change the subject here to whether or not a black person has ever shot a white person, you are denying the nature of the terrorist attack. You are trying to make this about something other than what

hahahahahaha, your attempt to deny the nature of this terrorist attack is almost impressive. You have a graph and everything!

Why are you so racist?

What a heaping load of bullshit. You’re acting like this was a live remote piece that they absolutely had to air this morning. And they were well fucking aware that it came across as ridiculously offensive or Todd wouldn’t have made a disclaimer in the intro. But they could have made sure it wasn’t only black

An appropriate narrative would be AMERICA CAN NO LONGER BE IN DENIAL ABOUT RACISM.

The sourced linked has a typo ;)