Petty Betty

Fried chicken in various configurations plus fries or fried rice is a pretty common staple at a lotta ‘Chinese restaurants’. Often the safest bet and pretty tasty with some packets of hot sauce, if you’re into that sort of thing. Usually just a cupla bux for a healthy portion of calories.

* I am trying really, really hard not to judge Chavez for ordering wings and fries at a Chinese restaurant. I am not succeeding.

Honestly though, some of the cheap American Chinese places make really amazing french fries. Something about being fried in the same oil as the sweet and sour chicken? I dunno- the fries can be hella good.

It might be a terrible Chinese restaurant. Sometimes you’re better off getting the deep-fried stuff, because at least it’s been dunked in hot oil and is briefly germ free because of that.

Yes! Thank you! Like yeah, I have a host of mental conditions and *shocker* it doesn't cause me to go murder people. This was racism mixed with a grab bag of other -isms, maybe some self-loathing and a whole lot of confusion. Not mental illness.

Because mental illness is not learned like hatred and racism, and unfortunately for those with mental illness, it cannot be unlearned - hatred and racism can be if the person is willing to open their mind. People with mental illnesses are far more likely to be the victim of crimes than the perpetrators. Labeling hate

I’m with you on this!

As a mentally ill person I want to bake this woman an amazing cake. This man is not mentally ill, and that would just be a way for Fox and even progressive outlets to ignore the changes and evolution that has occurred in American racism.

Two things.

Right, but...they’re white supremacists, they don’t look good period. Ever. They and Dylann Roof are all part of one steaming pile of racist shit. I’m glad most neo-nazis don’t actively try to murder people of color (so they say?), but that doesn’t make them not culpable. You can’t spend your life shouting about the

Well, it doesn’t make them look good when a guy becomes notorious for screaming racist sentiments before he shoots up a historically black church, especially when his middle name is “Storm” and could refer to their movement.

For the majority of America’s history ( for the majority of the history of whites in the Americas), white people have massacred black people and committed consistent acts of violence. For most of American history, slavery was legal. The utter violence, the torture people faced them is underplayed but the records are

No. Those people did not die because of a political decision. They died because a loser with a gun shot them in cold blood. GFY.

“You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.”

Wait, so what are white supremacists about if they think that shooting black people is lamentable? Like, they just want black people to have no rights/go back to Africa/some other crazy bullshit, but hey you don’t have to shoot them? I’d be very surprised if Dylann Roof wasn’t a regular poster on stormfront, and I

A white man slaughtered unarmed black people. That is the fact. That is not spun. That is his own words. What other truth is there? More guns would not have prevented this from happening, this heinous piece of shit was determined to exterminate people on the basis of the color of their skin.

Fuck the NRA. Any politician that takes money from them does not get my vote.

As a white woman, I find all of this qualifying to be utterly mortifying. I’m horrified and embarrassed by the racist slaughtering of innocent people, in a sacred place no less. It’s the worst kind of human ugliness. And I’m embarrassed by any attempt to frame this bloodbath in any other way. F*ck the NRA.

I am SHOCKED that Stormfront wouldn't have a well reasoned response to this tragedy.