Petty Betty

Cracker Barrel, most likely.

I really don’t get that vibe from her. I think it’s more that she had this one experience, and that was kinda it, and doesn’t want to claim a label that implies anything more than that. I respect that a lot.

Does that mean nominally straight people who are open to being with trans people of the appropriate gender (aka, transmen for women, transwomen for men) but not of the gender they are not into, also need a new label for their sexuality? How far do we have to granulate people?

Now, Now; calling out "olders" (ick: lose that "Olds" shit people) on a little bit of culture confusion is not good manners. No supper for you, young lady....

Curious, why is pan problematic? do know that bisexual and pansexual aren’t the same thing right?

After us arguing for 20 minutes he agreed to pay me Thursday.

when it came time to pay, he said he meant he would take me out to eat.

In a related development, La’el Collins has been banned from the parking lot of all Lions games.

The lord said, “Judge not, lest ye be judged.”

I’m choosing to believe the bride posted it so that everyone knew why she had an annulment almost immediately.

That’s the face of “what the fuck have I gotten myself into.”

Yes, that person is NOT a friend. Made a bad situation even worse because what bride wants to have a drunk groom and go viral for all the wrong reasons.

Whoever documented her shame and then put it on the internet deserves an eternity of public humiliations. I hope they crap themselves at work or on the metro or while on a first date. The universe should right this wrong. And I hope in their moment of embarrassment they realize that what they are experiencing is

Me too. If I were as upset and humiliated as she was, I’d definitely want a few friends to just come up and hover inches from my face, kissing my cheeks every two seconds.

Me too. She has some really great friends/sisters/cousins/whoever those women were. They were supportive as hell when she really needed it.

This... plus drumming your fingers is usually a display of anxiety. His face might lie, but not the rest of his body language.

On the drive to the jail he will shit his pants.

A lot of criminals enjoy the attention from the courtroom proceedings. He’ll begin to think differently when the party is over and he is in a jail cell every day.

THE ETERNAL STRUGGLE: How to respond when reading about a total shitbag on the internet.

The evil, reptilian part of my brain goes, “Kill him! Tear him apart! Rip out his ribs one by one while he screaaaaaams!”

The good, human part of my brain that my parents raised to be a decent fellow instead says, “This is horrible.