Petty Betty

Read the linked In Touch article. They did not turn him in, nor did he get counseling of any kind.

My first thought whenever I see one of these “we don’t fuck until marriage and we date the way god intended, with two or three adult family members in the room at all times” families going on about their virtue and purity and all that, this is all I can think. This kind of weird, embarrassing sexual exploration

Do you think it has anything to do with why Janna hasn’t been married despite being older than her other married sisters?

I wondered if the girls in question included one or more of his sisters. And then whether they were urged to turn the other cheek. And then I got sad.

On the point of the gazzillion sisters, do the Duggars seem like they have room for lots of sleepovers? Who does it seem likely the five female minors were?

I hate to say this, but anyone surprised here? That family is so beyond reprehensible. I’m sure fondling underage girls is ok as long as there’s no gay shit going on.

Well now I’m worried about his gazzilion sisters and the football team he is surely planning to have with his wife.

She has no idea what is going on with her own institute or she lied (I believe she knew). Cue tears and no accountability on her part.

how does it feel marina? maybe the way those dancers you used for your nazi-style moca ‘gala’ felt after you paid them NOTHING

That whole Jay-Z thing was super vague. Or is it just me? So like...what’d he do to that woman? He was supposed to do X in exchange for Y, I’ve gleaned, and she did Y but he did not do X. Wtf are X and Y? #polynomials

It is specific because he’s specifically only dating her and she was the only target for his supposed joke, though.

Actually, the real punchline is the one he didn’t intend: By swatting away the bouquet, he may have just saved her from marrying a complete jerk.

It depends on how well you know your partner, and they know you. Some people think it’s funny, others would be really hurt that their partner was publicly saying “I don’t want to marry you. “

During the garter toss, have you ever smacked the garter out of your boyfriend’s grasp?

Well, it looks like he took it seriously and got upset about it to me.

Yeah, it really does feel like he makes her the butt of the joke, which never bodes well. :(

That’s how it struck me. She’s obviously reaching for the bouquet and looks fairly pleased until he steps in - which, to me, makes it feel like the joke is at her expense. Also, I’m not sure if Mark was being sarcastic in the article or not, but I really do think she looks disappointed when she turns back to him. :/

I mean, even if I was totally secure in my relationship I would find it a bit humiliating. Like I wouldn’t necessarily be mad because I didn’t get my hands on it or because I would think that meant my SO was a commitment-phobe, but I would be mad because it would be embarrassing and rude.

If this is real, it’s totally a dick move.

Yeah, this is going to be one of those stories that he tells where she’s expected to laugh along because it was “just a joke.” I really despise people who frame dickish behavior as humor like this, because it just sets up the other person to seem like an uptight killjoy - even when they have a totally valid reason for