Petty Betty

Bullied? Jesus, settle the fuck down man. He was being given shitty routes on his pizza delivery route, not stripped naked and swirlied. And he was clearly capable of handling his shit on his own, since that was all on his first day.

Guy had it DOWN.

I don’t think he’s shitty at all... everything that happened was pretty typical and if you upset the balance.... prepare for vengeance

Must be nice, not having to worry about losing your job or anything when you get up on your sanctimony pony.

Hi. I was the person who submitted that story. I mean, you’re not wrong that it would have been awesome of me to jump to the guy’s defense. I will mention (this detail was in my original submission, but C.A. Pinkman cut it — completely fairly, because I am always long-winded) that I was barely 18 and the guy getting

Niles Crane came into your coffee shop?!

i feel that if you need this kind of food surgery done, then you need to do it yourself and not hold up the line and make the employee deal with it. it’s not a food allergy or a cross contamination issue where the request has to be handled at the beginning of the food prep for safety. it’s a convenience issue for the

That’s where you just whisper the word “butter” over the bagel.

I would think that if this was something that you wanted, this would be something you’d prefer to do yourself, so that you’re getting the right thickness of bagel or whatever. And also maybe they could get their cheese or butter or whatever on the side and put it on themselves, right?

Okay, this is something I might actually do, because less bread = more room for lox and cream cheesy goodness in my stomach. But only on my own time. I recognize that it is a dumb fucking request to make of a shop employee.

A “whisper” of butter = approximately 1/15th of my sanity.

Or...gasp...just eat HALF of the bagel?

I figured it would be New York because Californians would just. . .not eat bagels. But NYers will have to keep up the appearance of being super into and snobby about bagels without actually consuming any carbs.

They wanted you to scoop out the best part of the bagel? Also what the hell is a “whisper” of butter?

I just googled “scooped out bagel” in order to confirm that this is something being recommended by weight loss nitwits. YUP IT IS. I love when the NYPost is inadvertently awesome, though; they just chose the perfect vacant-looking dimwit to photograph and quote with the stunning insight, “It’s a lot less bread” http://

Who are you telling?? I was so confused the first time I was asked, I literally said, “I don’t understand. There’s already a hole in the middle.” Either adjust your diet to fit the bagel in, or don’t have the bagel. Why ruin it?!

I am so confused and upset by this. What kind of psychopath would want a bagel with the BAGEL part scooped out? This is seriously something that was a COMMON request? WHAT IN GOD’S NAME IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE

This is more passive aggressive than it is smart ass, I guess, but I used to have a few customers who would ask me to scoop out the bread from their bagel at our cafe. This irritated me because it would usually be when there was a decent morning rush to get through, and I had to hollow out both sides of the bagel

That picture is my friend Stu. The duct tape actually worked to get his jeep off the trail and back to camp. It’s a shame its being used under this thread title, because he is actually pretty awesome with a wrench (and not a mechanic by trade).

I’m a 3rd generation attorney, meaning pops was (well, still is) an attorney... that charge didn’t stay on the bill.