Petty Betty

Artists only get paid double the royalties with the premium plan. The standard plan uses the same economics as a paid Spotify subscription. The only thing they are doing better (or worse depending on your point of view) is they don’t offer a free plan.

I’m sure he only did it to stay on Jay-Z’s good side. He probably hates that he’s involved.

Spotify doesn’t pay the artists, the labels do. They decide how much they make via Spotify. Besides, the royalty rate is only 5% bigger, which isn’t worth bragging about.

Nah, Pandora still has Taylor Swift, so it wasn’t even unique there.

Didnt watch the release press conference shitshow, but wasn’t the whole thing that they would stream lossless files. I know that there is a market for that, but it seems it is mainly populated by snobby audiophiles that dont listen to pop music, or DJs that need to remix and whatnot but streaming doesnt really solve

Which might be interesting if Tidal didn’t seem mostly interested in pushing artists that could never collect another paycheck in their life and still want for nothing.

My money’s on Madge, she always knows which way the wind is blowing.

the language used rubbed me up wrong way. Alicia Keys sounded like she was about to launch a mission to blow up the Death Star.

It’s not that people don’t care about audio quality - it’s that the difference between Tidal’s audio quality and its competitors is negligible to all but the most discerning ears with access to excellent audio equipment.


I don’t know if you get the diet Dr Pepper ad in your area but there is an ad where he plays a miniature rocker that gifts some office workers with Dr Pepper.

1) This is the shit that happens when a bunch of rich people come at a bunch or poor people asking for money like they are the broke ones. Ain’t nobody trying to hear that.

Meanwhile, Justin Guarini is pretty excited for the mention.

omg the deadmau5 part. LOLOLOL. dies.

Justin Guarini-level flop

Oh no, who will pay for Madonna to do racist tweets now?!

I need this gif tattooed on my gd body.