Petty Betty

He said, on Monday, “I also explained to the family that if this is what they needed for closure—for me to be charged—I hope they got what they were looking for.”

From the Sun Times:

Servin fired over his shoulder, from his car... unarmed, with their backs turned to him.

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a cell phone is a good guy with a gun.

This case is bad that even the standard trolls haven’t shown up yet. That’s how beyond terrible this is.

Spoke to my father about this just a few hours ago. He was a police officer for 20+ years. He never shot his gun in that entire time and he said that if you are afraid of a cell phone, you should probably find another career besides being a police officer.

Wait. He saved his life that night??? You were NEVER IN ANY FUCKING DANGER YOU MOTHER FUCKING ANIMAL. OMG. OMG. OMG. All you did, you shit stain on the ass of humanity was murder an innocent person. Since you’re clearly a sociopath with zero empathy or compassion or human ability to feel remorse, I can’t even hope you

No, sir, you did not save your life that night. It’s like Ross on that episode of Friends thinking he had a near death experience because a car backfired. What a terrible moron

So is this another case of prosecutors protecting cops? How did he get charged with so little? Did nothing happen with his possession of an unregistered firearm?

He said, on Monday, “I also explained to the family that if this is what they needed for closure—for me to be charged—I hope they got what they were looking for.”

The greatest insult you can give a fuckboi is telling him his dick game is weak.

My dick game is hella weak. However, I got a superb tongue game to fall back on.

Is ‘your dick game is weak’ a thing? I’m gonna be slinging that like wild now.

In high school, we had these food trucks that parked outside by our football field, way before food trucks were a thing. One of them was a hot dog truck that honestly might have also sold cigarettes out of the back of the truck and the other was called the Soul food truck, because they sold fried chicken and collards

One of the things I’ve heard is that Florida’s laws are such that they release police information more easily and that reporters just go down to the police station and get info. I don’t know how true this is, but I do know that I’ve never had an easier time chrcking police records than in Florida. #polkcountylyfe

That’s not really how this works. Power by proxy in one situation doesn’t mean this woman’s kid had power everywhere else.


It’s ok, you’re one of us, we love you. Just don't stab anyone, Mkay?

Okay real question: does all of this shit ONLY happen in Florida, or do we just ignore it when these things happen in other states?

Those are the eyebrows of a woman who has nothing else to lose.