Petty Betty

Stop looking at these sites at work.

Glass houses, internet commenter.


Wait...he played for a team named ClitHero? Good for her.

Ha ha! You’re dead!

No joke, I've witnessed a fight that went almost exactly like this during a thanksgiving dinner with my family.

My grandparents were the mirror image of that guy- Democratic old coots who talked about politics all. the. time. Even unto their dying breaths. One of them apparently said, “Mail my absentee ballot! Mail it now!” when he thought he was dying. He wanted it counted if he died before election day (not sure how that

I know- I’m a huge LIBRUL, and I would totally do this. If I thought I were dying, I’d probably shout “Warren for President! Unionize the workers! Viva La Libertad!” just in case. It can’t hurt.

this is very true. most dems are republicans at this point. that’s why warren looks WILDLY PROGRESSIVE when she’s all ‘i really like the idea of kids not going into debt for their education’

idk my granddaddy is pretty political. He was getting a haircut before the 2008 election, and the woman who was cutting his hair said she was voting for McCain because he was a veteran. Granddaddy got up out the chair and left.

This is exactly what annoys me most about mainstream conservatives these days. They’re not saying, “Vote for Rand Paul,” or “Vote for Ted Cruz,” they’re simply against Clinton.

It sucks, too, because I’m sure the “does whatever the obituaries in Concord, North Carolina tells them to” constituency was leaning Democratic.

“Also, the family respectfully asks that you do not vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. R.I.P. Grandaddy.”

Well, I’m not excited about voting for Hillary, but I do enjoy denying people their dying wishes, so I guess there’s an upside.

I like to think that Larry didn’t want people voting for Hillary because she isn’t progressive enough. Larry was more of an Elizabeth Warren guy.

now when I vote for Hillary I get to say FUCK YOU LARRY UPRIGHT, YOU ROTTING CORPSE

I hope she wins & he haunts his family.

My friend and I talk a lot about our “living wills” and I always tease her because she is under the impression that a bizarre dying wish is basically law, haha.

Well that’s going to be a super awkward Thanksgiving.

So, his family can only vote for Hillary over his dead body?