Petty Betty

That was his made up fantasy of how he views a black woman and welfare. It was disturbing as hell in its awfulness. He couldn’t make sense of shit he knows nothing about.

Thanks, I love this! I’m about to remake the sticker with your add on right now.

We had truly horrible movies in retrospect. Although I am not ashamed to admit I watched every installment of Nerds and Porky’s.

It happened in September and almost a month and a half passes before an incident report is done, and only because it was reported in the news that it had not been done previously.

Waiting on the white apologists to get on here and explain this shit.

Glad she received justice. Hopeful that she can return to some semblance of a normal childhood and that the mother doesn’t blame herself for what happened.

The option to tip in app is still relatively new in my area by a couple of months. I used Uber extensively the first half of this year and the option was not available then. Most if not all of the cars I rode in (didn’t have a tip jar visible) at the time had a small sign on the car window that said they accept tips.

Using a word in a derogatory way doesn’t automatically make it “slut shaming.” If someone used the word “retarded” in a derogatory way to describe you, would you consider that slut shaming?

You can already get one for any of those reasons. They are actually in the top 10 and it has always been ridiculously easy to get an exemption despite claims to the contrary.

Silly you. Didn’t you know population statistics only matter when racists are discussing blacks as criminals and suspects not as victims?

Even your response makes no sense. What is there to comprehend when you can’t even write a coherent statement?

What the hell are you talking about? Nothing in this write up focuses more on one race than another. Pick a better article to attempt this bullshit with next time.

Where was she denied the right to free speech? Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.

She sounds like your average racist redditor with that long drawn out ass message. She said nigger almost every 10 seconds. You just know she says it every chance she gets and doesn’t care who hears it. Someone is going to beat that ass if they haven’t already and I bet she’s going to try and pretend she doesn’t know

All of the officers involved just so happened to leave their mics in the car. They just knew they had a criminal and wanted to get away with as much as they could without any evidence being accidentally recorded.

They don’t play that shit in the US either. Some companies have rules allowing you to drink but using illegal/hard drugs while on the clock is a no.

He’s Samoan and German. So basically he’s bi-racial and not fully white.

He’s Samoan and German. So basically he’s bi-racial and not fully white.

I went and found the article and the writer does mention Marv and still concludes that somehow Lavar is worse.

Yes to all of this. I had to take a cab to work once and it cost a little over $60. Few months later I took an Uber from a relatives to work which was easily 2.5 times the distance of the cab ride and paid less than $40.