Petty Betty

The veteran officer is the one who used the fucking gun. Bastard.

He was originally one of my favorite artists because of his background and his style. It was different, spirited and reminded me of my Louisiana roots. Here was this guy from the Boot with a military background, who dealt with poverty and tragedy when he lost his sister to senseless violence who didn’t crumble from

Yep and I refuse to believe this is the only the second time. To do it again after serving time and losing a music career, makes me think these are the only 2 on record that we know about.

Sick and fucking sad that he did it the first time but how in the hell did he not have the common fucking sense not to do the shit again? I seriously can not comprehend the levels of dumb and entitled you would have to be to feel you can get away with this shit. The first time it happened must have just been the first

Hell whole towns were destroyed and people killed because of white lies. Let’s not forget Fannie Taylor and what happened to Rosewood in Florida.

“[The other player] did a dick move, and I tried to think of the worst word. And I end up saying nigger.

Maybe they mean until they can get another look at the new evidence to determine whether he is actually guilty. Even if they do fuck over him again and find him still guilty, they can be sure they didn’t kill an innocent man.

That still doesn’t make sense though. You normally only get a citation for driving without a seatbelt and not arrested. If his excuse for shooting him was because he thought the guy had or was about to pull a weapon, then it follows that that was his excuse for arresting him after the fact and not the alledged seat

He wasn’t actually resisting or fighting them though. He was protecting his face. She had good intentions but she wasn’t helping him correctly with her screaming at him. All it did was make it look like he was doing the wrong thing when he was actually trying to protect himself from being badly injured. He never

I couldn’t finish watching it. Listening to the fear and helplessness of her screams were too much. You can tell she was scared that they would shoot and kill him at any moment.

Nope he just had his head split open and had to get it staples.

Thanks for the insight, I guess.

Can I get ungrayed please? I have been visiting these sites and commenting for over 5 years now and I am still gray on every single one.

Even when cops aren’t involved with the carnage they have to let us know they support it.

Do they all use the same type of body cams?

That’s exactly what it is. He likely fell and was knocked unconscious after being tasered. He was left laying on the pavement and his skin burned due to the contact to the ground.

Other than the charities, she and Jay also bailed a lot of people out of jail during the Ferguson protests. They don’t just blindly throw money into charities. They have found ways to donate and help that directly benefits poor people and poor communities. She just does it quietly and doesn’t bring a lot of attention

Since you like quoting parts of the article and ignoring other parts, please quote the part where it said they were opening doors.

Tia was also a major character on the tv show “The Game” for 6 years and Tamera is currently on the daytime talk show “The Real”.

Tia was one of the major characters on the TV show “The Game” for 6 years and her sister is currently on the daytime talk show “The Real.” They may be D List to you, but they are hardly some nostalgia trip people fondly remember.