Petty Betty

She may not have actually sold drugs on a corner and was more likely a drug mule. It was more common than people know for drug dealers to get their young female friends to do the transporting as they were less likely to get caught.

#Notallwhitepeople but it sure seems to be a good amount of them because it keeps happening.

Because they have been getting away with it so long and at some many other places they don’t think it can happen to them? These cases we hear about have got to be a small drop in the bucket if folks continue to do it despite knowing others have been busted for it. The funny thing is that most of these situations

It just makes you wonder how long and how often they have been getting away with it there and at other jobs that they just didn’t think twice about doing it.

18 years old. She got caught with weed and even after being totally disrespectful and snatching her bong back once, they decided to call her dad and arrange for him to come and get her.

I’m hoping this turns into a runaway freight train this time like it did with Bill Cosby and it thoroughly fucks up his life so bad that no one wants to work with him. Sadly though I think folks in the music industry will still accept things from him and just credit it under a pseudonym.

Wow, just thinking about this makes me feel sick and cold. I wouldn’t step foot in her fucking house ever again either.

I’m from Houston and from what I know about her she was one of the few judges who ruled fairly in her cases. Doesn’t excuse her actions but she is one of the few judges you hope to get if you have a drug case.

Domestic violence calls are not top priority calls, especially if it’s a place they’ve been to before. They only come immediately if it is evident someone is in the process of getting attacked at that very moment, otherwise to them it is a just a heated argument and they don’t want to get involved. They place those

We all know how hard hitting that last word is. Strong, violent and abusive. Once uttered you have to swing and fight with all you got to defend yourself against the sheer pain it caused.

After trying both on mine, my son will wait until I’m not watching TV to play instead of using the other available screens in the house. The graphics and details are much better than on my other HD.

After doing a lot of research on 4k TVs and different brands I did by this exact model a few months ago. It is definitely a good buy with the specs that it offers. I paid $400 for mine in Texas. After seeing the floor model next to the LG and Samsung, I was confident I made the right choice. The screen display

Showbox. It’s an android app.

I don’t think it was just this photo that got him fired. The article mentioned other problem photos also. With the smug look on his face and the lol like it was a funny and joking situation, alongside the other photos mentioned; I think your take just might be wrong.


A police officer is supposed to base his actions according to what is going on at the scene when they get there. The 911 call is an advisement of what they are going to encounter. If the suspect is not physically threatening them and running away, they are not supposed to pretend he is charging at them guns blazing

You tried it.

How is that bastard not in the grays? I’ve been coming to these gawker media sites for years and I’m still in the gray. Do I need to start out as a racist bigot and then change my m.o.?

It may not be terrorism in the conventional sense but it damn sure feels like it every time I read about a situation like this.

Shit, these stories are starting to make me sick to my stomach. A 4 year old girl was stabbed to death in my old apt complex in Houston a few days ago by her mother. The crazy bitch even texted the child’s father to tell him he was no longer a father and their child was in heaven.