Petty Betty

Yes, I haven't seen anyone this season or any other season better than Sharon. Simply love her!

Naomi Campbell has actually beaten more women and attacked more people than Chris Brown. I don't see them dragging her through the mud either.


I dislike when people create bullshit to bolster a point. Nearly all porn stars use aliases and unless they have been in the business for a very long time, you will not be able to easily find them by their government name.

+1 It back fires more often than it works.

I guess the only way to take care of all those kids & put money in their mothers pockets is to share your stupidity with the world.


+1000 for the truth. Hard truth to swallow though.

Just imagine passing out and waking up later only to find out people stuck things in your ass and took pictures without you knowing. Being violated by someone and being able to at least fight back is one thing, being violated and not finding out until later can make you feel even more helpless. I myself, wouldn't even

You must read Jezebel with blinders on. I read a couple of stories this week that involved minority suspects. You didn't see the one about the football player who killed his girlfriend and himself, the man who pushed the guy onto the subway tracks? Those are just 2 easy ones off the top of my head. They were the


That's after the fact ain't it. How can you clearly know they can't be trusted beforehand?

Until you have kids of your own, don't comment on how another parent raises theirs. You have no clue.

How is she supposed to force a grown woman to do something she doesn't want to do? There is only so much hand holding and coddling you should do for your adult.

That she was murdered. I think Ashisyou, feels you are victim blaming.

You don't have to be in her classroom or in her community to understand that a woman who is responsible for shaping young minds shouldn't be stating things like this for the world to see about the very minds she is supposed to be shaping.

Stop using the word "lynch" like that. I am sure you can find a better word choice. She wasn't chased down by a mob and hung from a tree by her neck till she died for what she said.

+1 Thank you! I am so tired of people using the word "lynching" in that context. Like getting called out and reprimanded for ignorant shit you said on the internet is equal to being strung up by your neck from a tree and killed for all to see is the fucking same.

I agree with you totally. I don't understand these, don't ruin their future type comments. If this goes uncontested then we will have these people controlling things in the future with a racist fucked up attitude.

Thank you!