Petty Betty

I visit reddit regularly and I can tell you that a nice amount of the pics submitted were of underage girls. One of the most prolific submitter's was a gentleman who was outed as a high school teacher. He had been posting for months and was one of the go to members for the best content. He messed around and let it

Thanks for the 50 shades of gray description. I finally started reading it and although I like it, the passages and sentence structure come off odd to me. I couldn't quite get into the book and it seems to drag in spots. I love a good book and after I heard so much about it, I thought it would be a page turner. As in,

What was derogatory about the term "white girl"? Isn't NikkiJayne white in her avatar, and didn't she reference some white descriptors in her comment?

Thanks, I really didn't find anything derogatory about the statement. I mean isn't she um "white"?

No one is coming to defend your view point, maybe you might be the dumb ass.

I agree. People love controversy and they are lapping this shit up. Any and everything Chris Brown does is going to be put under a microscope. Since people hate his guts, no matter what he does, they will attribute his actions to some form of malice or bad behavior. If he gets angry about something, even if the anger

One was made about Saddam Hussein's son, and he did some extremely bad shit.

It doesn't sound racist, it is racist. It had all the quantifiers of "I'm not racist, but" with the I don't get pissed off at affirmative action and I wasn't at the RNC statements and then ending with "you people"

Are you sure it has never happened to your wife or her friends? Sometimes people don't bother to point out things to others that have become routine to them.

Suing doesn't stop the bs, it just gives it a wider audience. Also further proves the point that her parents are selfish and un-supportive.

You must be mad because she's more fit than you.

How are escorts not engaging in consensual sex? She isn't being trafficked for sex. This woman isn't being forced to have sex with these men against her will. What the hell are you talking about? You are not making sense. This woman can have a bunch of one night stands and that is ok, but the second she decides to


again, who are you to decide/judge her choices... better yet, how does it affect you...


good one

No one here knows what conversation she has had with her son in regards to what he did. To assume that she condones his actions is ridiculous. Is she supposed to put it on her twitter feed to make everyone happy?

good point

So true. It seems lately that Jezebel is half reporting things to promote the worst angle possible. If you are going to report on how a parent's influence may have affected their children's behavior when it comes to domestic violence, you do a disservice when you don't point out how the parent suffered from domestic