
She is so right. This will only upset the Republicans, who have shown themselves to be thoughtful, dedicated partners in steering the ship of state, and potentially turn off Republican voters, who are clearly considerate and open-minded and almost assuredly would vote for the best person and not just the member of

When Trump sends his cabinet nominees, he’s not sending his best. He’s sending tax cheats, he’s sending incompetents, he’s sending con men. Some I assume, are good people*

The “S” tattoo is an absolute no brainer.

Rashida Tlaib Still Adamant About Impeaching the Motherfucker

If I had a gun, with two bullets, and I was in a room with Hitler, Kid Rock and Trump, I would shoot Trump twice.

But seriously, those pants... And people complain about NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem. What about the skid marks Kid Rock leaves on his flag pants? I doubt he wears underwear. 

Something something flag code.

If you look real close, after that second three, you can actually see Rudy Gay let the controller fall to the floor and go walk around the house for a bit

basically, the only thing democrats do is shoot themselves in the dick. The fuck are you smoking

This won’t change shit. Cheeto will remain in power, the media will bend over backwards to practice the shit out of both siderism, and Fox News will spin the “NO COLLUSION, NO COLLUSION, NO COLLUSION”till Nunes’ cow comes home.

The biggest scandal involving Trump is the Jeffrey Epstein scandal.   Lucky for him Democrats and Republicans have a truce on that scandal.  They both agree to not talk about it and let the rich pedophiles get away with the whole thing.   Alexander Acosta gets a big reward and everyone is going to ignore it until

You know.

Does this mean that Congress could decide that his body dumped on a trash barge in lieu of a state funeral?

Did I do that?

If I wanted to be close to water, I'd buy a canoe. 

The worst one: “y’all” to “ya’ll”

‘You’re’ doesn’t autocorrect to ‘your’. I’m calling bullshit.

Just a gentle reminder to commenters that Cards Against Humanity is an extremely progressive, charitable company that supports lots of awesome causes and has been making a very active, vocal effort to encourage humor that “punches up, not down.” (And IMO, the game itself is very fun as long as you play with the right

If you are playing something called Offroad Wood Transport Truck Driver 2018, you have issues that go beyond malware.