
I miss Deadspin.

You forgot Sean Doolittle, who is the very best of the Nationals. Doo is the best. He had the guts to state publicly why he wasn’t going. And he and his wife walk the walk and talk the talk in community activism. They hosted Thanksgiving dinner for Syrian refugees and got the community involved, when he was with

God damn it. Stick to sports and stop talking about the MLS!

rude of the email of the week to make me cry tbh.

Note from Barry:

We have a media company whose management is in open war with its readers and writers.

Well boys & girls, it looks like we’re in the endgame now.

Goddamnit, burn it down. 

I miss Sean O’Neal

To be fair, Hughes wanted to take this occasion to showcase a character of his we’ve sadly been acquainted with for the past few years, “Blogger Who’s Nowhere Near As Clever As He Thinks He Is, And Would Really Just Be Better Off Covering Entertainment News In A More Straightforward Fashion”.

Uh, that wasn’t Seth Simons that Che went after. That was another guy with a similar sounding first name. Close, though.

This country is broken. And it’s not gonna get fixed. It operated for 250+ years on trusting that more people than not will do the right thing. sure, there were rules and law and norms, but as we’re seeing they are toothless at best. A GOP President breaks laws repeatedly, his folks obstruct justice, ignore supoenas,

The Island

Trump has been committing impeachable offenses since before he was even elected. 

Wow, gluttony, hoarding and entitlement all in one UberEats order. (Not to mention the exploitation of the underclass)

It’s not manufactured outrage if her fans were genuinely pissed off. That’s the exact opposite of manufactured. Dunst has been a professional actress for 31 years and her career deserved more respect than being reduced to that time she played notable douchebag Tobey Macguire’s significant other.

I’ll certainly check this out next time I’m picking out apples at the supermarket.

It’s fair to condemn any potential-and I mean potential as theres no proof provided-racism and say their lack of transparency sucks and is suspicious at the same time. I can do two things.

They will never show the vote totals because they vote totals will make them look like stupid corrupt assholes.  

I smell a rat.