
I've been through two more of these than you, and think that DOES make a difference.

Which President in the past has directly destroyed your day-to-day life? The answer would be none.

How can anyone criticize Trump for using Twitter when almost every actor, musician, author and journalist in America does the same thing?

It's just an election.


I don't know why politics has to be the main focus of this show nowadays.

I thought it was a fun hour of television, and the cross-cutting in the last few minutes really upped the tension.

I would notice.

Just got caught up on this series.

That's like not taking a job because someone had a heart attack there once.
A truly bizarre attitude to take.

These endless election parables and comparisons are really tiresome. Is it that hard to process the 2016 Election results on its own terms?

It's also possible a reviewer can be overly nitpicky.

A rating is just someone's opinion, but seriously, I don't know how ANY fan could rate last night's episode anything less than an A.

Just felt like stating that Andy Dick gives me the creeps.

It was a huge mistake to bring "Sela" on the show and not reveal, at some point, that her mother (alt-Tasha) was actually alive!

Right . . thanks Roger.

This was NOT a C Minus episode.

I enjoyed it and so did most of the fans.

I feel like Chris Carter was trying to encapsulate what X-Files the best in the condensed timeframe he had to work with.

OK . . . well, I personally don't read media tie-in novels for games.