
I mean the concept being explored to its full potential in fiction, not a character class from D&D.


What a bunch of nitpickers on here!

Once they started tinkering, they never would have stopped.

Agreed . . . that was some economically told potent horror on display last night.

Great point!

Maybe I'm the only one who liked this movie?

Me too …. I can't remember the last time I screamed at my TV and hid behind my hands. Loved it!!!

Today disagree.

Are they deliberately putting in Observer lookalikes?!?! Bald extras are driving me crazy with distraction, haha.

Thanks! I watched it live so no way to rewind.

I'd only give it a shot it if he came back.

This felt like the best of the old X-Files and had me on the edge of my seat. I actually flinched a few times, and I thought I was jaded as they come.

There's a decade of his life we didn't see.

If Alex does claim that, he'd be foolish.

And I think the truth is a combination of the two mythos . . . from the preceding ten seasons and what we've just seen. Of course, since it is Chris Carter, there's an unforeseen THIRD element . . .

I don't care what anyone says . . . I loved EVERY FREAKING SECOND OF IT!!!

Just watched this episode last night (3 years later) and I have to agree.

I was hoping his backing track would malfunction/get sabotaged.

Being extremely promiscuous is not really a Badge of Pride.