Stache Gordon

Some great comments in that thread. White dudes were off the chain in 2016.

I wonder how you feel about this dumb-fucking reply a year and half later you idiotic fuck.

OMG. Reading that is like reading the white-guy too c00l for politics manifesto. Two “centrist” candidates. That is some embarrassing shit.

What Stelter said was complete bullshit. He provided no examples of the Parkland kids going “too far.” He’s the worst type of journalist, he’s dumb, lazy and desperately trying to find a middle ground to seem reasonable to conservatives who are acting purposely unreasonable. The media is gross.

I’ll shit in the woods, like my ancestors! Unlimited time off for the win!

Nah. Howard is a mediocre liberal-arts college that attracts some top flight black intellectual talent but has little effect on the ultimate success of that talent. In other words its like 90% of the schools in America, black or white. Most attendants would be better off in a state school.

These schools are so stupid. They give these idiot coaches way too much power. Would a school ever let a professor pull a student’s scholarship? No. Well, it happens all the time in sports.

Tyrone is my new hero. The man went to college to learn how to earn, and earn he did. I salute you, man of weird fashion sense, who came to topple the economic education system! Tyrone came, he saw, he stole tons of cash, he dressed well. The end.

Yeah, unlike the white community which has totally abandoned noted abuser Donald Trump. Oh wait, they made him President. My mistake.

I think putting those words in front of a picture of Martin Luther King Jr. are supposed to be profound or something.

Yes words only have one meaning. C’mon, this is a silly game to play.

Damon Young is one of the most hotep motherfuckers given a platform in media. Don’t be offended by his stupid game playing with the term “racist.” Its dumb college shit that only sounds good at Howard.

I did not watch Roseanne. Why do they have a black child? I’m genuinely curious.

They picked out the darkest, most gender-non conforming student to bully. The people supporting this bullying are bigots, plain and simple.

In other future news - “The New Orleans Saints have settled a lawsuit by a former cheerleader for an undisclosed sum. In addition, the Saints have agreed to change their cheer leading social media policies, have senior staff go through sensitivity training, and wear pink 4 sundays out of the football season.”

I disagree with this partly-

Thank you. Didn’t know that was possible. Didn’t want to feed the trolls.

Tragic. I can’t put into words the sickness that inflicts all America and their brutal war on black people. The fact that he was innocent is only part of the story. The problem begins with the fact that the police are ready to respond to a report of broken windows with deadly force. Insane. If you run from the police,

I don’t believe in having guns in a home with children. But if you do, for godsakes, lock up your guns. I don’t think incarceration helps anyone, particularly black people. But I won’t get upset if the parents face criminal penalty for this. If you have young kids, or any kids, lock up your gun. Shit, just lock up

That not really how businesses work. They don’t have to sell to cool people. They just have to sell to somebody.