Stache Gordon

What a dumb article and headline. Its not even worth arguing against. Just stupid typical “leftist” drive-by activism nonsense.

It shouldn’t have been a decisive win because Trump has actual supporters in those areas. It has nothing to do with the Dem party, a lot of white people support the crazy shit that Trump does. Constantly blaming that on the Democratic party is asinine.

Why don’t we hold Republicans to the same standard?

Meh. Do you want a cookie?

People should stop trying to police this shit b/c its complex and the policing won’t work.

I hope you understand that this is why most people think you and your friends are trash. You think you’re making a point. Lol. You’re just showing us how pathetic you are.

That link was the 1st time I saw a picture of the black roommate and I get it now. Boy, do I get it. She’s black, she’s smart and she’s prettier than you! She’s lucky Becky didn’t try to poke her eyes out.

I think this is the most WTF part of the interview -

If you live your life for other people, you will be miserable.

Is The Root or Very Smart Brothas going to cover any of the brouhaha surrounding Farrakhan and Tamika Mallory of the Women’s March? Are you guys just hiding from the story? I see someone took the time to call out (checks the Root) Jackie Robinson, but no discussion of two leading black political figures who are being

I’m sure there are many trump supporters among the ranks of NFL future rookies. Yet I see no bashing. Perhaps you’re just talking out your ass? Hmm?

I prefer working for women as well (balck male here). You get a lot less macho posturing, a lot less people trying to take credit for your work, and a lot more community/sharing of responsibility and ideas. Not all women are great bosses, and not all men suck (I think I’m pretty good). But in my experience, working

This is pretty much the story of the 2016 election, isn’t it?

Seriously. Spain and Italy are hopelessly corrupt. It doesn’t surprise me that they have now turned to scape-goating immigrants. Let those fuckers drown on their own.

He should have knocked her the fuck out.

That girl is THIRSTY for attention.

Arie sucks and I feel bad for Becca b/c he betrayed and broke her heart. I don’t feel bad that they filmed it. How else would we have to get see Arie’s epic stare down? It was worth the humor.

Jemelle Hill has responded. Claims that Ms. Lawrence is misrepresenting her comments.

Gary Oldman went to court. The allegations and their credibility were weighed against his. He won. Now that decision may have been wrong, but the court knows far more information about Gary Oldam and Firentino’s relationship than any of us.

We are one day after the Washington Post reported that Russians successfully hacked 7 state voting systems. But yes, “leftist” bernie supporter, please continue to bash Hillary. She’s the real problem...