“Even President Joe Biden had to apologize for his metaphorical remark that it was ‘time to put Trump in a bullseye’”
For the 80's, he was “America’s Gay Best Friend”. He was incredibly funny, impossibly sweet, and while he was of that last generation of gay stars that were overtly gay without explicitly being gay, he was as open as pretty anybody that successful could’ve been. He made hundreds of millions of dollars (and he was shock…
Say what you will about how diet and fitness have evolved over time, but Richard Simmons was the rare gem that actually gave a crap about actually helping folks get healthy and happy. Sweatin to the Oldies and all his videos/ specials were filled with real people who were there to get active in whatever way they could…
Martin Mull was one of the funniest human beings to ever walk the Earth, and I feel like he was somehow still super underappreciated.
“Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the transphobes!”
It’s a trilogy. They cover that in the follow up flicks, There, and Everywhere.
Goofy Olivia Colman is the best Olivia Colman.
... The fuck?! No Sally Hawkins?!
I’m guessing he is referring to the original Doctor Who pilot, which was not aired in 1963 because it was reshot. But I’m not sure.
“Russell had a prime spot for a history-making episode of television: As the first male companion in the pilot of Doctor Who. The episode wouldn’t air until the ‘90s, but science teacher Ian Chesterton would make his impact long before then.”
This is too bad. I actually really liked his older stuff, and I was sorry when he fell in with the trump crowd (and his music took a marked downturn). Still, it’s a loss and you never like to see it.
A secret society of beekeepers. That’s actually kind of cute. Thanks for the gun kata shout out. I really love Equilibrium; it’s so wonderfully derivitive of 1984 -the movie - and maybe even better, lol, even though it doesn’t have the Eurythmics. Then there are the Matrix elements and a drugged up society ala The…
Some people have the weird idea that absolutely anything at all goes on stage because “it’s comedy,” like a weird perversion of what they imagine George Carlin’s take to be.
Oh my god again the idiots are out in full force with some form of “Comedian tells joke that’s fake, news at 11”.
I cannot believe that standup comedy is not a completely accurate retelling of actual events that occurred in real life! What is next, sitcoms not being true? Are they going to start making movies about things that didn’t happen??
“standup comedian embellishes details for sake of comedy.” News at 11.
Exactly: Suchet is the Poirot, just as Jeremy Brett is the Sherlock Holmes.
As someone who was alive and cognizant of the world around him in 1996, I distinctly remember a chief criticism of Mission: Impossible was that it was OVERplotted for a summer spy adventure movie. But, you know, thank god Kevin Feige was able to wrest storytelling away from peddlers of “mindless junk” such as David…
Yeah Luke Y Thompson can fuck right off forever. Telling me I’ll be begging for Eternals is a punchable offense.