This is only the last half of the Janet performance. I don’t know about you, but I want 100% Janet. [insert witty The Good Place joke]
This is only the last half of the Janet performance. I don’t know about you, but I want 100% Janet. [insert witty The Good Place joke]
There are really people that think this is wrong? They need to examine their own internalized hatred of bodies. There’s nothing inherently sexual about nudity (especially of your parents) and, if anything, this teaches kids body positivity and to not be ashamed of themselves.
It’s really such a dick move to keep someone’s dead dad’s guitar, I honestly can’t believe it.
Finally, show that should have been canned, was canned.
See also the “Nice Guys” whom people treat with almost universal condemnation. Myself, I see “Nice Guys” as more of a problem of education. Watch any TV series or teen movie or afterschool special, and what is the message they hammer you with? “Just persist, and sooner or later the person you’re crushing on will dump…
Can’t agree with you on this one. NO ONE should care what a 3-year-old girl is wearing any more than they should care what a 3-year-old boy is wearing.
And your saying that it’s ok “in her own home” but not in public is suspect, too. She’s not a sexual object ANYWHERE, so how is her “privacy” and what she does “in her…
People get all upset with the idea of taxpayers supporting the royal family, and then when they try to save some money and make their wedding a potluck, they all complain about how tacky it is not to spend money on canapes. MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MINDS, YA FILTHY PLEBS.
I don’t care what the kids are saying. The past tense of “slay” is “slew,” not “slayed,” and the participle is “slain.”
I died laughing, but then again I have a sense of humor.
That’s a far reach for an explanation. Why wouldn’t she at least write an editorial explaining why she let the ad run? Dumb and ignorant.
Yeah I am aware. I am in a bad mood and it’s Friday. Come at me, incel bois.
I love the term “incel-tier girlfriend”. For these guys, it’s not even about not having sex with women - it’s not having sex with the right women. The kind of women they deserve to bone. And they feel so entitled to this that if they don’t get it, they think the best corrective action is to murder random people.
All I am going to say is Macron, tread lightly, bro. I like you, despite the weird I married my teacher thing. (I get that this might be ok for France.) But seriously, don’t start being besties with Trump now. Hold your ground.
Apologies for going off-topic, but Canadian news and American politics just intersected in the most disgusting way.
I once had a boss who said she hated books. I was thinking, “All books? Every book ever, in every genre?”
Ask a generous and trusted female friend to let you read some of her dating app messages and you will quickly see that most men do virtually no emotional labor. That’s why women are talking about this.
As someone from a NOT close knit family, I can say that when I’m at my most depressive, the idea occurs to me to disappear. The thought process is along the lines of, ‘my family would be better off without me but I’m not suicidal’ if that makes any sense. I see, logically, that it appears selfish, but it doesn’t FEEL…
The Code 45* team has noticed how much you Americans love your proclamations; so many Days, Weeks, or Months dedicated to observing or honouring some thing or another. All presidents make these “ceremonial” proclamations, which are mostly meaningless other than to designate some time of special-interest observance or…
Lol you mean the “lets not make it easy to kill people” brand? If that’s unsavory to you then maybe you should learn to remove human flesh from your diet.