
Only letting the people that side with you in the discussion portion out of the greys is cowardly. If its a true discussion, shouldn’t multiple points of view be heard? My 2nd amendment rights are the only reason your 1st amendments rights to say stupid shit are still in tact.

Probably wont make it out of the greys, but here it goes. “it also emphasizes that mental illness is too often unfairly stigmatized in the gun violence debate”

I attended a game during RG3's rookie season against Cincinnati. The following is a list of problems encountered. The stadium is a solid mile+ from the train station. Not sure how a stadium as recently built as this one could be so far from public transit. We attended a game in Baltimore the next day and their transit

112/10000 soldiers is somehow less than 126/50000000 students. Are you high? Classic example of choosing to mislead with numbers. Numbers dont lie when framed correctly.

And as it is with basically all sports franchises in Florida, it looks more like a Cubs home game than a Miami home game. It is terrible to watch even when a team is doing well. When the Lightening lost to the Blackhawks in the playoffs a couple years back the Tampa home games were embarrassingly overwhelmed by

Yes, all the produce goes in 1 corner of the cart. Then it all goes into a reusable bag that gets laundered when it gets nasty lettuce water or god forbid chicken juice on it.

No, there is no need to use the plastic bags for any produce. Just wash the damn thing before you eat and or cook it. And dont bag your fucking meat. Its already wrapped in plastic, it doesnt need more damn plastic around it. 400 years to biodegrade that piece of plastic so you don’t get icky chicken juice on your