
I'm guessing these servers were deemed not so Lulz proof thus them being taken offline before they could be compromised.

If they are going to add 60% to the cost then they need to add 60% more content to the streaming catalogue. Their streaming selection is scant to say the least. Go to hell Netflix.

You'll be switching just as iCloud rolls out and iTunes becomes unnecessary. Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.

Shouldn't this headline read, "A Singular Indie Record Label Has Opted Out of iTunes Match"? Let's not get alarmist Giz. #corrections

Twidroyd is a clunky, buggy piece of crap. I gave it up after each "update" kept making it worse. I've used Plume with good results since. It's developed by an indie dev who actually cares about his user's experience.

Just shave with a good old double edge blade. They cost about ten cents a piece and can be used at least three times before replacement. They give a way better shave than a Mach or Fusion anyway. Just do a Google search for "Traditional Wetshaving" and watch some of the videos that come up in the results.

The perfect place to cozy up and plot the demise of privacy.

Thanks Adam! I was just looking today for an online backup solution for an Ubuntu Server. Carbonite, Backblaze, and Mozy don't currently support Linux. Jungle Disk wasn't an option because it is very pricey. CrashPlan, however, is the perfect solution. You have made my life much easier today Lifehacker!

You're missing a big thing here Whitson, Webkit. Gecko is good but not that good. For this reason alone Firefox is still second place. I'm not sure how forfeiting webkit didn't make it into your article.

What the iPad needs to steal from Android is the open minded corporate backing that doesn't arbitrarily decide which apps are allowed in the app store and which aren't. Good place to start. No?

Perhaps a law disqualifying lobbyists from becoming judges is in order. At best, it's a conflict of interest. Not that I'm for adding new laws to the book but this seems to fly in the face of common sense.

"users' interests".....? Don't they mean corporate partners' interests?

@OscarNJ: I'm aware that devs can still release apps independently. I just think that the app store will persuade devs to change their apps in hope of being included in the app store since Apple is so strict and arbitrary. This will at some point have an adverse side affect on users who preferred their apps be built

@OscarNJ: Of course some apps will see a boost. However, Evernote is a free app so joining in with Apple was a no brainer for them. Meanwhile, the more specialized and costlier apps with a narrow user base won't be helped out here.

If Apple gets 30% of all app revenue then prices on apps will go up. The person getting screwed most here is the user. The app store is designed to fix a problem that doesn't exist and on top of it creates a problem. Thanks Apple!

I really dislike Apple sometimes. Why wouldn't PayPal get the benefit of the doubt that they aren't fraudulent? When Apple removed all the boobies apps they allowed the Playboy app to remain because it is a well established magazine and deemed trustworthy to keep it classy based on their track record. This just wreaks

Well, everybody knows AT&T and Apple love to screw over the American consumer at every stop so this isn't surprising that we don't get this kinda deal. Why the fruit company continues to inflict us with AT&T exclusivity really is baffling. What do they care, they have billions of our dollars anyway.

Yaaaay Kitsune Noir :)