
I recall people did actually camp out and lineup in front of mobile stores for the Galaxy Nexus. But don't tell the Samsung marketing department that.

I hear ya. Apple never should have removed it in the first place.

Keyboard Maestro is so much more useful than for this one macro. I'm sure after a week with it you'd wonder how you lived without it. It's a very powerful tool. Still, I realize it isn't cheap.

Shawn Blanc posted a great "Save As" workaround using Keyboard Maestro that is smooth as silk: []

"internet leadership"... what the fuck does that mean? How do we decide if there is a consensus among "internet leadership"? Do the lolcats need to approve? This guy is a royal douche.

Don't forget they testified in favor of PIPA this year. They still fully back that shit bomb. They're just an awfully clueless company. As Kottke tweeted, "Seeing who still has domains to transfer away from Go Daddy is the internet's walk of shame." Couldn't have put it any better myself.

If a tree falls in the forrest...

RedLaser is great. Also, checkout Flow on the iPhone. It's a nifty Amazon based app that has a real slick interface.

Textmate? The app that hasn't seen a significant update in 5 years? My vote is for the more current (and cheaper) BBEdit. At this point, that one is kind of a no-brainer.

Some ladies do shave their legs with these.

You cut off the last two words of my quote:

Quite a leap in logic from my original post.

I wouldn't exactly call this Carrier IQ. Apple wasn't being sneaky about anything here. And this isn't a rootkit, rather it's a buit in function of iOS5 that essentially sends Apple bug reports. I have to doubt that Apple is trying to pull anything malicious with this.

Agreed, which is exactly why I use organic shaving soaps with loads of moisturizing goodness. A good moisturizing aftershave doesn't hurt either.

Totally, real men look like, umm, ZZTop. Yeah, that's the ticket.

"...thank Perret and Gillete along the way" ...sure and curse their name for essentially ditching the safety razor market in favor of multiblade systems. Entire generations of shavers have now grown up without the knowledge of what a good affordable shave really is. And don't get me started on Gillete's shave gels.

You're right.

Spotify and Pandora's service sucks so woefully bad when compared to Grooveshark's functionality. If that is big music's answer to evolving their business model they are royally screwed. Perhaps instead of suing Grooveshark for a trillion zillion dollars they could have approached them and said, "hey cool platform

Old record industry adverse to new technology or evolving their business model? I'm shocked! Shocked!