
@iProd: Firewire is a specialized interface for "peer to peer" devices. Meaning that two peripherals can talk to one another without requiring a computer. This capability isn't needed on many devices which is why those devices use USB because it is "host based." You pick the interface that makes the most sense.

@vein11: In my post I stated that in a year Light Peak would be standardized and affordable around the globe? Let me reread it in case I'm wrong. Nope, I said that a company adopting an interface at the cuttingedge of technology will release a new drive at the cutting edge of technology. How provocative of me to

In a year Iomega will update these drives to utilize the Light Peak spec and then people will say damn why did I buy that USB 3.0 drive. At this rate USB 3.0 stands to have the shortest lifespan of any interface.

@That-One-Person: Well Apple gave us a jumbo sized iPod Touch this year with the iPad so maybe it'll be a "magical" jumbo sized iPod Shuffle. Oddly enough, they'll sell millions of them.

Come on, a non-stone chimney? So close, yet so far away.

Because hey, when your business model fails, just get some laws passed to prop your company up. It's the RIAA's new style of commerce. People won't buy their crap so they force it on you.

@The world will know squalor.: Ha Ha... now there is the bigger issue. God forbid Grooveshark cut into UMG's profits earned from Young Jeezy and Fallout Boy.

@The world will know squalor.: With iTunes being the largest music distributor worldwide I don't see what leverage Universal has. If Apple is indeed beholden to Universal, it's a sad state of affairs for Apple users. Too many chiefs in the teepee never bodes well for Joe Consumer. That's something Apple ought to think

Nice, this means my next Android I buy around Christmas will be faster and more capable than an iPad. Progress is a good thing.

@Tom Lewis: It's in the Android market already. And Google won't be pulling it any time soon. Sometimes the fruit company is a bag of hurt.

This would be awesome except in my house the kids would drop toys onto the stairs and they'd come clanking done on top of my lovely iMac. This little desk setup would find a new spot within 24 hours guaranteed.

This isn't going to win Oracle any brownie points in the court of public opinion. I would be very entertained to know how many Oracle employees are currently rocking an Android handset.

@mutelight: Actually, Mutelight, I can guarantee you that I spend more money on movies than you do. I rent from both Blockbuster and Netflix. I go to the movie theater at least once a month. I subscribe to all the premium movie channels on my cable network. I frequently also buy DVD's and Blu Ray discs to own. I'm a

This is dedicated to all you commenters who think that since he's getting movies for free that he shouldn't complain. I would imagine you have one of these in your garage.

Man, I think this article covering Jobs' lack of a license plate was longer than the article Giz wrote up when the iPad was introduced.

After installing Tweetdeck on my Droid I must say they have a loooooong way to go before catching up to Touiteur. Tweetdeck has some nice design ideas for Android but this is very beta indeed.

@JakeMG: Ω Man: Time to root your phone and install some roms my friend.

@FrankenPC: Luddites furthered technology? These must be a secretive progressive sect of luddites that have some mysterious agenda. :)

@FrankenPC: The same number of individuals who are commy hippie luddites. Goes both ways.