
"I like lions." - Dr. Walter Palmer

"But with penises."

The trick is to include subtle statements like 'I have a rapier-like wit' and then make meta references about Cosby. AND SCENE.

Only Ricky Coogin can take something like difficult dumps and turn it into art. I salute you, sir.

Mario Tennis 64. Back in the day, I played an extremely competent Yoshi and mauled the competition with both speed and finesse. I could probably go through the entire cup mode in under 5 minutes, nothing flat. But the cup modes were never very much a priority for me, the real challenge was beating the AI on the

My sincere condolences to you and everyone that knew Renaton.

"Three Peaches" - Neutral Milk Hotel
"Neverland" - The Knife
"The Ring of Gold" - The High Llamas
"Sing You a Love Song" - of Montreal
"Saltkin" - Purity Ring
"Tiger Mountain Peasant Song" - Fleet Foxes
"Space Remains" - Bear in Heaven
"Sun in the Morning" - Future Islands
"I Was A Landscape in Your Dream" - of Montreal



…Or The Anti-Monitor.

White Lantern Ring > Green Lantern Ring

I think Robbie Williams' Millennium should also be considered in songs that beautifully ended the 90's. Maybe it's not the best song, but I think it's a great approximation of pop music trends in the late 90's.

I feel like if Azealia Banks didn't have Twitter feuds to indulge in, her life would be the equivalent of retweets from Nihilist Arby's. How sad.

Upon given notice of his show's cancellation, Josh Gad becomes awkwardly furious and decides to prove his detractors wrong on the merits (or lack thereof) of his comedic talents by preemptively slipping on a banana peel and then makes a slow safe tumble down a grassy hill while shouting PC friendly obscenities.

Major upvote for Future Islands.

I wish I could upvote more than once for that Neon Indian song.

"Egowar" - Gang Gang Dance
"Let's Work" - Prince
"The Spark That Bled" - The Flaming Lips
"Arcadia" - Apparat
"Always Mine" - The Morning After Girls
"Sunlight" - Bag Raiders
"Sexy Sadie" - The Beatles
"Come Together" - Pnau
"Wrong Opinion" - Chairlift
"When You're Loved Like You Are" - of Montreal
"Memory Loss" - The Radio

Let's pretend we don't exist, let's pretend we're in Antarctigo.

I'm currently 28 and I guess me approaching 30 has sounded off the alarm in certain members of my family. And so lately..yeah.. that amount of times I've been asked this question has increased exponentially. I'm usually a very nice person in real life, I always try to be cordial and civil to my family as much as a

It's stuff like this that just makes me get high/drunk 24/7 as a coping mechanism, as a way of me saying fuck everything. Sometimes, it just feels like a hopeless cause with some people and I'm so tired of living this damn lie. But there's also a part of me that hopes for a better future, for better things once I've