
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. At first, the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms.
Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like

I feel like without Sense8, the only thing I watch on Netflix now is nature documentaries. If they take away Blue Planet, I will take a tumble down a flight of stairs.

Go eat a Mariana's Trench worth of dicks, Netflix.

Morrissey strikes me as a disaffected internet troll who haunts 4chan and collects Rare Pepes for his Stormfront pals. And honestly I wouldn't be surprised if that narcissist did.

Some say the world will end in fyre,
Some say in ice.

My wife, Eleanor.

So does this mean The Soup is happening again? Bring forth the segue chihuahuas in crazy get-ups!

It has recently. It's priced about $20 when it used to be 30-35. I think the vodka market has been taking a large L from the ginsplosion market.

I'm not a huge vodka fan in general, but if there's one vodka out there I can definitively recommend.. it's Hangar 1 Vodka from San Fran. It's so good. Also Reyka Vodka from Iceland is not half-bad either.

Ah yes, the new flavored vodka we've all been craving for: Circock Vodka.

Those are some tragic fashion choices, man. Also I can't get the image of an Boho Indie AJ Styles outta my mind.

Evidently, he did not keep his hands clean of her cash.

I think when you're still at the prime of your game or past your prime, there's this tendency for iconic celebrities to branch out into new areas that are not in their comfort zones. And seemingly like magic they become either super moody or super depressed and it effects the quality of their work greatly. And it

There's always an artist or a band that I either ignore or forget they exist. Not because I dislike them, but because there's a huge amount of good music out there to listen to and not enough time to listen to them all. There's always bound to be some who fall through the cracks. Feist is one of them, an oversight or

That moment of Frank Sinatra almost violently bullying and belittling everyone including Aldrich on the set of his narcissistic-addled western still haunts me and remains among the high-watermark moments (which are many, this first season has been fabulous) of the series. Oh, if only I could go back in time and tell

I'm deeply disturbed by the lack of Jim Croce on a 70''s FM Rock-heavy playlist.

I can only imagine a considerable amount of cocaine was involved in the making of this wrong-headed, vainglorious assault of the senses. But I can't say I'm surprised that Joyce Carol Oates is involved in this dreck. She's problematic at best.

Truthfully, I haven't drank much in the past month and I feel like I'm slacking. Though it is always nice to give my ol liver an extended break tbh. However, I do plan on making this coming Friday a special cocktail occasion and plan on doing a bit of traveling beforehand to acquire a bottle of Bols Aged Genever and

"Blue Ice" - Shout Out Louds
"Cool Song No. 2" - MGMT
"In a Restless House" - City Calm Down
"I'm a Mother" - Perfume Genius
"Extreme Wealth and Casual Cruelty" - Unknown Mortal Orchestra
"The Day You Died" - Phantogram
"Old World United" Here We Go Magic
"New Daze" - Cheerleader
"Ride or Die, Remember?" - Look

HA. Nice choice on the of Montreal song o ye shuffle device.