
My hangover and not enough aspirin in the world.

"Origins" - Tennis
"Heavy Metal Clouds" - Crocodiles
"L'Via L'Viaquez" - The Mars Volta
"South American Dreams" - Silver Firs
"Love Stories" - Little Daylight
"No Tomorrow" - The Stevenson Ranch Davidians
"The Greatest Fall" - The Black Ryder
"Prague" - White Sea
"A Country's King of Dreams" - Caveman
"The Exploding People"

Oh dear sir, I thank you for your kind words. Such effusive praise from such a great talent can only inspire me to greater heights. With that said, I must inform you that my cinematic adaptation of Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer (think of it as a rom com meets 50 Shades of Grey-styled arthouse flick) is in the works

They may not care about capital A art, but I care. Not holding something to a high standard is just an excuse, a smokescreen, a dumbing down of things, that places a contempt for the audience with the flimsy excuse that we can't create great art because of monetary concerns. That is capital B bullcrap. Big budget or


These films definitely rely on star power and past performances to fuel its vast numbers of ticket sales. But still, I wish their audience in question would be a bit more choosy in choosing which films to watch. The better an audience dictates with their pocketbooks, the better the film an actor will choose— most of

Yeah.. I know. Common sense and the bottom line dictates that you are right. But still, it makes me sad. For Hollywood and for the Zombie-like state of rom coms.

Given Garry Marshall's track record of making horrible rom coms, I'm surprised people in Hollywood are still giving him a chance to create more cinematic turds (especially after the last horrific turd— New Year's Eve). This will mostly likely be no different in that regard, despite the obvious pedigree of Julia

Three men in a tub

They made it to EVO, bruh. They got a super sweet top 8 match against Daigo!

I don't think some indie bands realize that having your band photo taken is one of the very rare opportunities to dress as crazy as possible, have weird poses, and do weird things— and not be as bland and as inoffensive as humanly possible. That's poor advertising and just really, really boring.

P. Diddy may be P. Diddy, but he'll never be as cool as Diddy Kong.

Who am I to scoff at 90's fashion nostalgia? It's pretty much set in stone that everything that once was cool then became uncool will be cool again.

Diddy's attire suggests that he still thinks it's 1997 and that it's still okay to dress like it's 1997.

Totinos. Party. Pizza. Square. Pizzas. Are. So. Hip.

It's a shame though that we won't be able to see his facial expressions on a weekly basis. Or rather the same facial expression and the furrowing brow. That always slays me.

But can any US politician party as hearty as Rob Ford?

The kickbacks are usually just BJs in the backroom.

♫Everyday is like Caturday
Everyday is silent and grey♫

Something something Longcat is Long something something.