
"idk my bff jill."

Because they are the type of toys that once you play with them will leave you feeling quite.. (puts on sunglasses).. salty.

Paula Deen

Mess-o-potamia job, Internet!

Most likely to be lead singer of Smash Mouth.. Jake Gyllenhaal!

I'm still waiting for someone to explain why Alanis Morissette sings like.. Alanis Morissette.


No, I haven't. But I'll check it out. Thanks!

Why did Mozart kill all his chickens?
Because when he asked them who the best composer was, they'd all say "Bach Bach Bach!"

Currently playing Project M (the Melee mod for Super Smash Bros Brawl), still trying to intuitively grasp the mechanics of L-Canceling and the holy grail of Melee gameplay—the wavedash, and kicking much computer booty along the way with mostly Ivysaur, Ike, and Lucario. Fun times.

Lately, I have been going on a massive dreamwave/dream pop/anything electronic and appears dream-like and modern 80's-inspired music kick and have going through iTunes in a furious downloading rampage. Along the way, I downloaded a Blouse album and instantly loved it from the moment I first listened to it. Would

Last night I decided to go outside the box, so to speak, and create an autumnal-inspired Kombucha cocktail for the summer. And so, I came up with this..
The Dreamwave
2 ou Templeton Rye Whiskey
3/4 ou Berentzen Apple Schnapps
1 1/2 ou organic apple juice
1/2 ou fresh lemon juice
1/2 ou simple syrup
Sparkling Ginger Kombucha

"In the Yard" - Bowerbirds
"The White Season" - Still Corners
"This Dead Bird Is Beautiful" - Lost In The Trees
"Carry That Weight" - The Beatles
"Kaleidoscope Hearts" - Magic Wands
"Ghost Dream" - Blouse
"On the Water" - Future Islands
"Tarantula/ Holding On" - Delay Trees
"Godly Intersex" - of Montreal
"Please Be My Third

And when they give you a triple shot latte, they do it with extra foam, macchiato style.

I am become bulge, destroyer of worlds.

Or even worse…a Rock Of Love spin-off.

If this were VH1 in the 90's, such an ungodly supergroup's super sweet lead single music video would get heavy, constant rotation and would have a super sweet Pop-Up Video montage to boot.

Blind Sebadoh

Inside Paula Deen's boudoir via hidden camera.

The fact that you're a "shit_rat" makes the skunking of your house the least surprising thing here, dude.