
I dunno, I'm really torn between Brach's classic jelly beans, Peeps, and Cadbury Eggs. Each of them are terrible in their own right. I sincerely loathe Cadbury Eggs for their incredibly sweet, almost chalky cream filling. As for Brach's Jelly Beans, I loathe them for their spicy, generally off-putting flavor. And

This is totally off-topic, but I'm currently in need of some new book suggestions from my fellow book-worms. Specifically, I'm looking for either a book on tulips/tulip mania, the history of rose cultivation/Empress Josephine's Rose Garden, the golden age of flower illustrations, or a book on extinct flowers.

Sade has always been the quintessence of the short-lived new-jazz scene, British-accented American R&B, and for long nights spent meditating over a glass of cognac in the cigar smoke-choked atmosphere of a Parisian jazz club.

Hearing Voices - Galaxie 500
Warning - Autre Ne Veut
Posters- Youth Lagoon
Too Much Love - LCD Soundsystem
Dose Lied - Grimble Grumble
Many Stars (Marco Tulio Thrash Remix) - Ghostape
Two - The Antlers
Always Let U Down - Blood Orange
Song Against Sex - Neutral Milk Hotel
I Will Be Your Friend - Sade
All of Me Wants All of You

50 Shades of Madame Bovary

I'm having a bad trip, Internet. Please deposit me in the bathtub and play "White Rabbit" so that I may experience a rising sound.

Apparently, it wasn't Magnificent enough. Suleiman swears it could've used more Rûm as it was Janissary to the integrity of the dish.

Could you imagine if Mitch Hedberg and The Iron Sheik had a tête-à-tête of crude persiflage on Twitter?

Something something The Battle of the Bulge.

'tis a shame that no one has thought of a Playdough movie yet.

Words cannot express the unimaginable terror I felt when my insatiable curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to click that tampon link and then proceeded to read that article.

You should be thankful that I did not get more graphic with this.

Oh my god, zombie.. daughter?!

Much in the same way that pot smoke escapes a bong, thus Super Troopers 2 found itself toked into existence.

She's clearly the lovechild of Dr. Phil and Paula Deen.

I always thought that her storyline with Spiral, Revanche, and the Yakuza was great and even deserving of its own X-Men spin-off movie.

Rogue: You look nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

Arcade Manager: [after Jubliee destroys a video game] Hey, you! Do you know how much that game costs?
Jubilee: Yeah, a quarter.

..You make a fair point, sir.

The blond, anorexic doppelganger of Chris Pratt.