
While we're at it, will someone please PLEASE make me some rogan josh, jasmine rice, and some garlic naan bread.

O'Neal assumes we're all Nudeador Viking The Third (much like The Borg) and we enjoy gamahuching with swarthy Slavic Shaman Maury Povich.

No way dude! Olde English 800!

Guy Fieri

That's nothing.

It also helps prevent Cholera.

I wouldn't be surprised if you smelled Amy Pascal's hair-wall and detected the scent of pot.

"Mary, Please" - The Brian Jonestown Massacre
"Schizophrenia" - Sonic Youth
"Virgilian Lots" - of Montreal
"Dancewitme" - Maxwell
"Radioactivity" - Kraftwerk
"Pastoral" - The Jesus Lizard
"Woodcat" - Tunng
"Something in the Water (Does Not Compute)" - Prince
"Hooray For Tuesday" - The Minders

Bantha poodoo job, Internet!

"Bassem Sabry" is a bit weak far as lead single/opening songs of albums are concerned. And usually Kevin kills it with the opening song in his albums, but this just feels like a B-side leftover song from the False Priest sessions. Which is not a bad thing mind you, but it seems out of place from this mostly rocking

This dress is exactly what America needs at this point and time in history. It doesn't matter how you straddle the line in deference to the colors of said dress, just know that our government loves you for you when you, the American populace, are given to your own special version/s of breads and circuses.

Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow
of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath
borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how
abhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rims at
it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know
not how oft. Where be your gibes now? your
gambols? your songs? your

Would you have sex in a box?
With a fox?
While eating bagels and lox?

I have no shame, I've always been a fan of the original Power Rangers. At least until Zeo.

Pedro for President.

I'm gonna laugh so hard if someone ends up getting a venereal disease after doing the deed in the Sex Box.

These JNCOs

When the awkward gyrations of the robo-shuffle interferes with the wildly psychedelic, but frightening gaiety of the fourth plateau.

Mm. God, I love lamb.

Why did the tomato blush?